11-28-2005, 01:28 AM
Today I hunted some private land next to a farm , big disapointment . After every doe that passed by my stand within a few minute a shot would ring out behind me .
Now either the farmer had plenty of doe permits or a block tag permit or he was practicing a form of crop damage controll I would like to see stoped .Thruout the day I did hear more than 13 seperate shots coming from a blind not 100 yards from me . Other people in the area said it has been that way since deerseason opened .
It seems that although none of them (farmers)will ever admit to it the later is used by a bunch of them .To controll crop damage , farmers will gut shoot deer , thus the deer run off and die in the woods . This frees the farmer from picking up the carcas and disposing of them .
That is just wrong !
First off the department of agriculture (i belive ) subsidises the farmer for his crop damage , I also belive the D.N.R. or The D.of A. gives out block permits to the farmer to controll the deer population on his property . Gut shooting deer , well lets just call it poaching and prosicute the violaters .there is no crop at this time of year for the deer to damage .
The deer belong to the state of michigan , destroing them for personal gain , illeagle .
Now we can't force farmers to open up their property to hunters , that is what America is all about , nor can we continue to hand out government substaties to farmers that are slaughtering our deer .
I would like a stipulation to the government grants , farmer wants the money and the deer gone , open up the gates or no money ! If the farmer is cought shooting deer without his regular license , prosicute the bum !
Some farmers and comercial forest lands already let hunters use their property during the hunting season , they are listed in a pamplet issued by the D.N.R. .
The farmers I have talked to about this say that liability insurance for allowing hunters on their property would be too costley for them and deer do a large amount of crop damage . I think the recived substaty should be and is more than enough for the insurance and crop damage, "free money" for nothing is what the farmer wants to keep .
I have called the R.A.P. line to report the unusual amount of shooting going on at that location .
As a hunter and a sportsman I see part of my responsabiltys as being a steward of animals that can not defend themselves , If I catch something going on , your getting busted , plain and simple as that .
Now either the farmer had plenty of doe permits or a block tag permit or he was practicing a form of crop damage controll I would like to see stoped .Thruout the day I did hear more than 13 seperate shots coming from a blind not 100 yards from me . Other people in the area said it has been that way since deerseason opened .
It seems that although none of them (farmers)will ever admit to it the later is used by a bunch of them .To controll crop damage , farmers will gut shoot deer , thus the deer run off and die in the woods . This frees the farmer from picking up the carcas and disposing of them .
That is just wrong !
First off the department of agriculture (i belive ) subsidises the farmer for his crop damage , I also belive the D.N.R. or The D.of A. gives out block permits to the farmer to controll the deer population on his property . Gut shooting deer , well lets just call it poaching and prosicute the violaters .there is no crop at this time of year for the deer to damage .
The deer belong to the state of michigan , destroing them for personal gain , illeagle .
Now we can't force farmers to open up their property to hunters , that is what America is all about , nor can we continue to hand out government substaties to farmers that are slaughtering our deer .
I would like a stipulation to the government grants , farmer wants the money and the deer gone , open up the gates or no money ! If the farmer is cought shooting deer without his regular license , prosicute the bum !
Some farmers and comercial forest lands already let hunters use their property during the hunting season , they are listed in a pamplet issued by the D.N.R. .
The farmers I have talked to about this say that liability insurance for allowing hunters on their property would be too costley for them and deer do a large amount of crop damage . I think the recived substaty should be and is more than enough for the insurance and crop damage, "free money" for nothing is what the farmer wants to keep .
I have called the R.A.P. line to report the unusual amount of shooting going on at that location .
As a hunter and a sportsman I see part of my responsabiltys as being a steward of animals that can not defend themselves , If I catch something going on , your getting busted , plain and simple as that .