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Oh the nightmares I will have for a while. I went out the day after thanksgiving to do some fishing on the weber at Wanship. I had a 24 inch brown take my copper john and fight. It showed me his belly then got off. I sat on the bank and cried. Man it was awsome. I ran in to someone who really help me get on fish. With the exception of the 24 incher we got nothing. I ran into this guy and he was pulling them out left and right. His 12 year or (or maybe 10) pull out a nice 21-22 inch brown. He took the time to show me what was going on and gave me some great advice. Then pulled in a 16 brown to emphasize the point. He told me he taught fly tying classes at HFT and I told him to come on the board we have a great bunch of people here. I went to croyden and caught 11 browns out of one hole one pushing 18 inches. It helped with the 24incher I lost. My brother tangled with a 24 incher (at least) caught right under the bridge but it broke off after 10 minutes. We tried to net it but it was to big to get in the net. Here is the secret one and all.

Four foot 5X leader. Glow bug (not red, use a peach or light orange color) trail either a rainbow scud or a fly I can't decide if it is a pheasant prince, prince pheasant or what. Pattern to follow. He used weight, but I found that weightless was best for me. Once the glo bugs get soaked they float more naturally than weighted. We did some sight fishing but floated most through the holes. I missed 5. Great day. Good luck and let me know how it goes.

Prince Pheasant, Pheasant Price (what whatever)

Tail-Two red biots
Body-Pheasant Tail
Hackle-Tan hen
Wings-White biots
Bead-gold or copper.

Tie in the red biots and then the wire. Tie in the pheasant tails point first and wrap. Tie off behind the bead, counter wrap the wire tie off. Make one wrap with the hackle, tie in the biots and tie off. Thats it. It is like a prince with a pheasant tail body. I wrap some lead on the body for weight and bulk. I caught two of my browns on this fly including the 18 incher. I have to go back and get my 24 incher before I loose any more sleep. Smile

Dang good day of fishing. I am glad you had a fun time,Steve is a nice guy. You were lucky to have someone with his knowledge help you out. You just don't know who you will run on to at the river.
Thanks for the report. I have a few questions though. I used to fly fish the weber a few years back, but all of my old spots are now marked private property( right near the spring checken inn). I like to fish between rockport and echo. Is this the stretch that you are fishing? Also does anybody know where there is some public access in this stretch of the river?
Thanks for any info.
There is alot of access between Rockport and Echo. Ya gotta get on the frontage roads and there are access points all the way along the river.

I like the sounds of that fly. I was fishing a prince variation with a red tail on Saturday and nailed quite a few in just an hour. I use red flash stuff for the tail, man that stuff works well.