Fishing Forum

Full Version: I Just had to give it a try
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went to Yuba yesterday to see what the deal was with them big rainbows!
well we fished all day from 8:00 to 5:30.. we cought 9 fish for the 2 of us.. my buddy cought 5 i cought 4 and i must say WOW.. them are some pig bow's in there.. 7 were cought on lure's one was cought on minnow and 1 on powercrap..

sure hope that it freezes up this year.. i would love to take some of them big bows for a ride on the ice..

sorry guy's left the meda card in the card reader so no pic's this time.. darn it..
Sounds like a fun trip. Did you guys catch any pike or perch?
i tryed for a pike most the day.. put some of my best redmond pike lures to work on it.. but all i could get was them pig's dressed up like fish.. not'a on the pike.. did not even try for the perch.. lol
Just wondering if you kept any of the fish to inspect their stomach content to see if they are still being "vegitarians" or "stickitarians"?
just got off the phone with my buddy and asked him if he checked the stomach contents of the fish he took home.. he said that there was not much in them at all one had a minnow and the other 2 had some kind of slim he did not know what was.. other than that not much more.. i did not keep any fish my self..
one thing he said that was intresting tho.. one was a cuttbow..