Here is a decent article on Chrominid fishing- just a little info on a style of stillwater fishing that many fish and then again many don't because they either don't like the set-ups to do this or don't really understand it. But it is a very effective way of fishing on lakes .
[font "Poor Richard"][size 4][cool][#008000]Hi there hpb and welcome to our site. Thanks for the lead to the Global Angler. Some interesting reading material.[/#008000][/size][/font][#008000]
hpb, I love to chronimid fish. I have a great bullet proof pattern.
I go buy Berkley florocarbon in 4lb - 6lb, measure out 20'-30', tie a loop in one end and attach it to my fly line. Put on these quick release strike indicators (Dennis Brakkey at The Fly Desk web site).
I tye one Chronimid to the bottom then I tie a piece of tippet 3' long about 5' up from the end using a surgeons knot and attach a second fly - a nymph, or another different colored chronimid. Find out how deep the water is that I am going to fish, either a fish finder or I made a measuring devise using 14 lb fishing line with marks every five feet and a big sinker on the end, drop it down and figure out how deep it is then adjust my strike indicator so that the bottom fly will be about a foot off the bottom.
Just figured out who you are from this post- Hello Joni
I run a different set up though the results are basically the same. Though I am into this style of fishing, but mostly for the months that the rivers are out of shape and then it's back on the river again. .
I hear that! Chronimids aren't working to well right now anyway, but I use this style over Thanksgiving up in Idaho on the rivers, I just don't use near as much leader, in fact I just put on a 9' florocarbon, but used the same set-up. I put a tungsten pheasant on the bottom and a tungsten red copper john. Was fishing a 5'-6' hole at the end of a nice V shaped riff. Right along the edge of the riff and no split shot.
I love using chronomids, so can't wait till it is time again.
I think that I enjoy rivers just a smidge more than still water. There is less involved in getting ready. Plus I can river fish year round.