Got up to the pond around 11:30-ish and saw what looked like a small settlement on the ice. As I checked it out a little more, it appeared more to be like a town that had sprung up.
I got to run into a few of the BFT folks while up there, namely -
And a couple of others(Please let me know who you are, I can remember your faces, but not your BFT names).
Along the way, I took a couple of photos of the folks on the ice - turns out most of them must have been BFTers. OK, now fess up - are you somewhere in this photo ?
Here are a few of the BFT folks I could identify.
After every one left the ice for the day, me and the hounds made a little camp and were going to wait for Saturday morning to do some fishing. But the weather moved in over night and I figured noone would show up in the developing blizzard and I didn't have an ice auger myself to get through the ice if nobody else showed up(I guess I should have waited just a little more) so, we took off around 4:30ish to 5:30ish and headed out to find some softer water to fish with my fly rod.
After that leg of the trip, I decided I wanted to check out Starvation, Strawberry and Current Creek to get a progress report for future reference(They're all doing quite nicely). A great way to spend the T-Day weekend.
hey hound it was good to finley meat ya.. you and your hounds can fish with me any time.. just as long as i can ride one back to the truck after we are done fishing.. lol..
did they find any kitty's to play with?
hey fishhound, nice report. i wasn't up there, but wish i was. good lookin dogs. the frozen lake looks awsome without snow covering the ice.
Hey it was good to run into up there FishHound. To bad you didnt get in any ice fishing but theres alway next time..
Good looking hounds.. Will they drag your gear for ya? Hope ta see ya on the cap again sometime..
[cool]Hey Chuck, nice report! Glad you and the hounds could get out into the high country and stretch out and get some fresh air. Did you catch any with the flyrod Saturday? We were crazy enough to get up there Saturday and it was fun, but I sure am glad we brought the ice shelters. Otherwise, we would have froze our "brass sets" off, LOL!
Hey Chuck,
Don't forget that you caught one tiger through the ice on Huntington on Friday. Considering you weren't even fishing you did great!
Glad to see you made it back home. You didn't log-on for three days and I thought you might have been snowed in up there. You missd out on some good fishing,next time be ready to fish.
Glad you made it back OK. Those dogs of yours sure are small[

] It was nice to meet you, and your kitty chasers.
Hey Fuzzyfisher,
Feel free to ride one of the boys if you dare - they won't buck you off, but, they might roll in something real ugly while your trying to do that. LOL. Also, there is the little slime factor to deal with - they can sling that right over their shoulder too.
We didn't find any kitties up at Huntington - the hounds did find a short tail weasel and followed the tracks of a small canine(I think it might have been a fox - but, could have been someone's rodent sized toy dog). When we left up there, and were still more or less in the vicinity, they did come across what was left of a fairly recent kill(within a week or two) - a small elk(the favored menu item of felix concolor).
Are you sure you weren't up there ? Since nobody will fess up about being in that one photo, I'm thinking some of them must have been playing hooky from work and don't want to get caught by confessing.
Ya know, when the hounds want to go somewhere, they'll relentlessly drag me right through just about anything, but, if I want them to go somewhere, it's me futilely trying to do the dragging.
I guess I should have known there would be some hard cores showing up that morning. It's sounds like you guys got there a little bit after I took off for other parts. Dang, If I had known that, I would have hung around and had someone to borrow an auger from.
Yes, the fly fishing was superb - small dark (size 20) midges were the ticket - I didn't even have stand in the water or get wet(except my hands).
I couldn't forget that - but, I also can't forget that I did have some help getting that tiger. I'll bet I was the only one up there that got one that didn't have a fishing pole and wasn't fishing. I can't complain one bit about that kind of success ratio.
If I had stayed up there much longer, I might have found myself snowed in until spring time - remember the vehicle I was in ? It's forte is not deep snow.
You must have forgotten - I did get in some pretty good fishing - even though I was not entirely prepared for it - don't you remember my cartoon-character-like-quick-step accross the ice ? You may have outfished me in quantity and quality of fish, but, you gotta admitt - I might have out done you in shear serendipity.
It was nice to meet you as well !
Have you thought about having your eyes checked ? Just kinda wondering if you've ever noticed a depth perception or spatial relations problem with size differentiation before. [

Or, maybe I should ask - what kind of dogs are you accustomed to being around ? [shocked]
BTW - you have the same tackle box as I do - is that also where you have your ice fishfinder mounted ?