Met a guy on my lunch hour who was fly fishin by the 24th St. viaduct in Ogen - he had caught a nice brown on a wooly bugger.
He is 2 weeks back from Iraq and is looking for a job as an electrician. Thought I would start here to see if anybody knows of something. PM me if you know of something for I have his name and number. I turned him on to to grt back up to speed...
If he was a plumber I could help him out but I do my own electrical work. I hope he will be able to find a job soon. WH2
The construction along the wasatch front is going quite well right now. Getting a job as an electrician should not be too hard. Tell him to contact some of the reputable electrical contractors or sign up at the union hall and he should find a job.
[font "Arial"]Call the IBEW local 354. Its the inside wiremans (electrician) local. They cover commercial, industrial and a little residential work. They also have a voice, data, video unit also if thats what he's looking for. [/font]
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[font "Arial"]There is lots of work starting up now so give them a call. I think there are guys in the apprenticeship now who's tuitions are being paid in part from military benefits if that is what he's looking for.[/font]
[font "Arial"][/font]
[font "Arial"]IBEW Salt Lake City Local Union 354
3400 West 2100 South
Salt Lake City, Utah 84104
(801)972-9354 voice
(801)972-9408 fax
[/font][url ""][font "Arial"][/font][/url][font "Arial"] email [/font]
[font "Arial"][/font]
[font "Arial"]Bigpapafish[/font]