What do you use for leaders on your tip up set up? I use wire for when I target large fish like pike and walleye. But for when perch and other pan fish is what I'm looking for I had been using standard snelled off the shelf hooks size #8. I always hated this because the line used to snell the hook would alway be twisted around like a spring. this happens due to wrapping the line around the spool. This year I snelled my own hooks using 17lb. test braided line creating a 36" leader before my standard tipup line.The braided line should help with the presentation and keep the minnow swiming better and make it easier to stow away at the end of the day when your hands get colder quicker.
I have used them all except the new heavey plastic line produced by berkley.
I like the abrasion resistant braded line for pike, but have and probably will again use steel leaders on them. especialy if I know there is a monster near bouts.
I am planning on using a tip up for trout this year. I havent decided on the rigging I will use. maybe a little imput from other members will help me decide. I am thinking on using three feet of 14 pound trylean and 3/0 blood hooks with a live shiner. I am wondering if I should go with a trebble hook or will the extra barbs spook the fish from hitting..
I have never set out a tip up for perch, I hand line them with 4 pound test on gold number #8 arbordeen hooks, I pull in crappie and bass with this rigging.
I did invent a steel rigging for perch, got some steel line from cabella's, cut it to 7 inches in lenty made a loop in the center to tie on to and put snaps on eather end. from there I hung 3 inch snell rig 4 lb test crappie line with gold #8 arbordeen hooks.
this way I can have fresh minow and a dead monow action working for me. I have found some times the fish want a dead minnow over a live one.
I was eyeballing the tipup light at cabellas, it mounts on the spring under the flag. A red becon goes off when the flag pops up. sure would be a life saver come night fall.
I use 4# flouro for my leaders for panfish and whatever else is down there willing to take my shinner.
I have 15# dacron on the tip ups. I tie a clip at the end. I have my leaders tied with a loop at the end. That way I can have a bunch of leaders with me at different weights and with different hooks or lures tied to them. The clip help with quick changes in the cold weather. Also with the leaders off the tip ups when not in use they don't get all wound up.
I too use swivel snaps on every thing.
I use four pound on my rods and four pound leaders for minnows, but when it comes to pan fish I go with one or two pound test to tie on my bug jigs. I do have to replace those often so it is important to tie them up before going out and put them in tiny zip lock bags and mark them with line the weight.
pre tieing snells is the only way to go, I tie mine to 6-8 inch lenths. I would like to climp my split shot on them at home too, but I never know what size my minnows are going to be from one week to the next.