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Full Version: Ice class at Hooked
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[cool]I went to the class that James hosted last night. I enjoyed learning from him and the others in the class. I'm sooo glad I went or I'd a gone fishing for trout using perch jigs and tactics. Maybe I would have scored a few, but its better to do it right. Thanks James for the info and I'll see you tomorrow on the ice!
Awsome,seeyou on saturday to see if my lies work!
I definitely learned a bunch at your class James. Thanks alot for holding it. As a brand new ice fisher person with a new auger, I'm ready to hit the ice!

I don't know if everyone else was able to meet each other but I was very negligent in that department. Can everyone on here that was at the class give a holler?

I'm Don Merz (JoyRide). I was wearing a black Whiskey Willies cap and a western style shirt.
(asked too many questions)
James! How was you're icefishing class turnout!
It was a fun class, only 10 people this year,made it easy to teach. Students knocked em at Causey! It was a Booger kinda day!