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Full Version: Finally, finally, FINALLY something to report!!
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Well due to deer season, family drama and an endless string of one thing after another I got a chance to wet a line. It's been since late october, one of the longest fishless snaps of me adult life.
Anyway I'll get to the report. I inched my way out on Chicken Creek East knowing that it had not been frozen for too long, finally got out far enough to drill a test hole and found 8" of solid ice, so I moved out a little farther and decided to give it a shot. First hole was in 15 feet of water and I was graphing fish before I cleared the slush from the hole. Got rigged up with the standard fodder and in the first 5 minutes BAM fish on! It sure seemed to be taking a lot of line and had some huge head shakes. After a good five minutes of gently playing up on the ice came my personal stawberry best 25" cut. A fat beautiful hook jawed male. Not bad for the first fish of the ice season.
Ended up iceing 12 or so between 1:00 and dusk. It was a little odd in the fact that the hottest fishing of the day was right when I got there and slowly tappered off throughout the day. Usually that last hour before the sun goes down gets pretty hot. All in all I caught three fish over the slot; the fat 25er,a thin 24"er, and a fat 23"er. All the others were between 18 and 20 except for one; A 16" cut that looked like it had whirling disease, real bad crooked spine. I wish I could have removed him, but with the slot I simply slid him back down the hole and hoped it wouldn't spread. The weather was perfect, hardly a breath of wind. I didn't even set up the tent until about 4:00 when it started to cool a little.
In years past I've been right up there with fuzzy searching out the early ice. I can't say I miss the pucker associated with my usually first ice trip, but it was great to finally get out and break the seal on a new ice season. Good luck to all and hope to see you out on the hard water soon.
great report philly, what a fish.
we are headed up there tomorrow.
thanks for sharing.
can you drive down the road to the east. like we do in the summer.
how much snow is on the ground.
They haven't plowed the road to the east, but there have been several trucks down it. Looks a little crusty, but there was someone down there yesterday in an SUV. You would definately need 4X4 to get down it.
[cool][#0000ff]Great way to end a dry spell. Purty fishie.[/#0000ff]
That is a beautiful Cutt. I'll bet he will be very good table fare. Thanks for the report.