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I was up at Porcupine on sat, the ice is marginal, about 4 inches around the dam. There are several dark grey areas of thin ice a couple hundred feet out from the dam and 3 large open areas out farther. I got a late start and didn't get to there till 8:00 (it's 130 miles from my house). There were about 12 people on the ice. Only one group was doing any good. They went out to fairly thin ice. They tested the ice with a steel bar, when the bar would break through with one hit that's where they stopped. One guy caught 6 or 8 kokes in the first 5 minutes, then the school passed and it slowed way down.

Pink Ratfinkees and wax worms were hot, I had ratfinkees and meal worms or night crawlers. I only had three bites, I could see them on my fishfinder they would come up to the jig and then leave.

I spent the afternoon at Pine View The ice is fairly good (5" to 6") around the edges with open spots near the damn and thin spots out from the port marina. fishing was slow for 7 to 8 inch perch. There was a lot of people north of cemetery point, I didn't go over to see how the fishing was.

Hey FD, FB2 and I were one those north of the cemetery. For us the fishing was slow. But for the kids next to us, well lets just say they had 28 in about an hour. The weather was great I didn't even bring a jacket (thats because I forgot it) and until the sun startd going down I was real confortable. Now if all my ice fishing trips are that way this year I'll be a forever ice fisherman! At any point we caught a few, got a lesson or two from some other fishermen there. Seems our jigs and hooks were a little on the large size. Now I think we might be ready for some more ice fishing.