today was the last day of muzzleloader season in connecticut,we had a good feeling about it,we have seen deer everyday,even got a couple of shots we were going to try something different come in,in a totally different direction,we were hunting state land,last nite we stopped a a couple of houses to see if we could get permission to cross thier land,not to hunt,and we got we would have our walkers come in behind them and head toward us.plan was set.this morn.i headed in the same way i alwas go,i get within 300 yds of my stand,i came across a large blood trail.looking around, no footprints,.i tried to radio my buddys,but the two mile range radios were not enough for the hilly i followed the trail about a 100yds from where i started i jumped it,bedded down behind a blowdown,couldn't get a shot,one of its legs were flopping around.i followed it to privite land and left it.went back to my stand for 3 hours saw nothing,walkers saw nothing,and no we turned our attention to the wounded deer.i headded in a differnt direction hoping to cross its path while circleing up the othersfollowed the blood trail.while working my way down i came across anouther hunter,thinking he was searching for the same deer,i walked up to him,it was someone i knew,asked if he shot a deer he said no and agreed to help us.i continued down,ran across a blood trail,radioed the rest,they came over.found some hair, ran down a stream so i followed the blod the rest were faned out to the sides.the trail lead to a dead deer,the coyotes have found him.someone shot this one a realized how small it was and left it it was only 30-40 back to the last place i saw him.picked up the trail.headed right to the river,and he crossed it,i lost his trail on the otherside in very,very thick is a good thing i know the peaple that own that land because i could look in thier window.i really, really hope,wish and pray that santas raindeer put dodo in their stockings for christmas those type of people are NOT HUNTERS.they are just wasting our reasorses,THEY MAKE ME SICK.thats how i spent my last day of hunting season
I have seen those people who cant shoot, who shoot every thing that moves, cant track, have no curticy for any one else in the woods.
what kills me most is when I sit on the edge of the woods, and drives come marching though fireing rounds to run out any thing hiding.
another anoiance is those hunters who think sitting on the ridge guzzling booze and letting off a half dozen rounds at near days end ruins my last day of hunting.
I only made it out one day this year, I was more woried about being stepped on by the horse of a peta member. I dont have the resorces to get out far or often, so I get out where I can...
I managed to have a peicefull day dispite not being able to get the buck to come down off the hill to where I was sitting. I watched him for the better part of the day from a distance of a half mile, well out of range of a 12 gage slug. true a slug will fly that distance, just not with any accuracy...
the season is still open down here but I dont expect to get off any deer hunting now.
ya I do know what you mean, it these type of hunters that give peta thier amunition against hunting. they make us all look bad....
Every other hunter I ran into during ML season was nothing but corteous, and I didn't have any of those problems that you describe. My worst enemy was the frozen snow, that was giving me away to all the deer... Didn't get anything, but I heard one running 75 yards away in heavy laurel- couldn't shoot or see it, but I found the trackstracks and confirmed my belief. I believe that I spooked another one into a swamp, tried to follow it, but lost it's tracks in the swamp, and couldn't shott that one either. If you want a trophy, don't pull the trigger on a little one- simple as that! You can't call back a bullet! When I small game hunt, I shoot various critters, all legal, and I always make my best effort to make a humane kill, recover the animal, and make as much use of it as possible. Some times, it is a little time consuming but if you look hard enough, you will find blood or something to track. Could it have been possible that the person did not know they hit the deer, or something? I remember one time shooting at a squirrel, watching it drop from the tree, then running off (sprinting) wounded and disappearing. I tried, but I could only find a couple drops of squirrel, however. I figure only a couple of the 6shot pellets from the .410 must have hit it in superficial locations, and most were probably deflected by the leaves (october).
Heard on the news about some folks up that way shooting a Lab, on a sunday no less. You seem to have some crazys in that corner. Down here we just shot each other.[crazy]
yes it is pretty

,its hard to believe that DEP cant trake the atv in the snow,here is the story,and the reward is around 2500.00 now with donations pouring in. [url ""][/url]