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Full Version: 12 Days Of Christmas
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[angelic] I read this on another site and thought it would be fun.
I will go first, but please only post once.

"On the first day of Christmas, The Fish Gods gave to me:"

A Winston Bamboo Rod ....
on the second day of christmas
A trip to Costa Rica! and a beer....
I know you said only one, hey but I am the mod so I get to break the rules right?[Wink]

On the second day of christmas...
A bottle of Koniak...coniac...konyak...con yack...aaah! just give me a bottle of alcohol!

Don't you think that you ought to wait for the medication to wear off first? [Wink]
On the third day of Christmas the fish gods gave to me...
3 wolley buggers
2 bottles o' cognac er konyak (er whatever)
and a Winston bamboo rod!!!