12-24-2005, 12:13 AM
[size 1]Today after landing a hefty 18 inch Rainbow out of Rockport...I decided I'd keep the slimer and after I got home I filleted him out. His stomach was really distended...so I decided to check out the stomach contents ... I was agast ... I found black rocks ... the same shape and sizes of large fresh water snails.[/size]
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[size 1]I had heard the reports of Yuba Rainbows stuffed full of sticks, twigs and cockleburrs ... and had poo poo those as urban legend. How could this be, I asked myself??? No self respecting Rainbow would stoop to eating straw bait. And yet ... there was this feeling ... this knowing ... that somthing sinister was among us. [/size]
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[size 1]Now I have heard rumors about the new and improved Utah strain of Commano Rainbows...fish that would eat anything, any lure, any bait ... and unsuspecting minnows ... but ... they were only rumors ... until now. [/size]
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[size 1]Yes fishing BFT'rs....we are in the mist of a clandestine operation.
In years past...unscrupleous fishermen would pack their catches with rocks or lead in order to make their fish heavier for the record books...so my theory is as follows: [/size]
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[size 1]The Rainbow trout...raised and nutured in the conclaves of DWR hatcheries have been brainwashed and trained in subversion tactics.
They have been instructed to perform a self sacrificing manueuver to manipulate the scales of unwitting fishermen. This deception is carried out by these well trained, hand reared, specialized Commando Rainbow Trout (a new species) that have been planted in Rockport. This is an experiment that is being watched carefully by TPTB. A 9 inch Rockport Trout will weigh 2 lbs...and if this conspiracy is successful ... unsusecting trout around the state will be forced to comply and eat rocks. Those not willing to comply will be shipped to the salt mines of the Great Salt Lake, where they will toil among the brine shrimp forever.
So...TD...your mission if you choose to accept it ... will be to develop for BFT a prototype rocklure or rockfly...not to be with a flying rock...which is used to test the thickness of the ice of said waters. You will be contacted again...
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[size 1]I had heard the reports of Yuba Rainbows stuffed full of sticks, twigs and cockleburrs ... and had poo poo those as urban legend. How could this be, I asked myself??? No self respecting Rainbow would stoop to eating straw bait. And yet ... there was this feeling ... this knowing ... that somthing sinister was among us. [/size]
[size 1][/size]
[size 1]Now I have heard rumors about the new and improved Utah strain of Commano Rainbows...fish that would eat anything, any lure, any bait ... and unsuspecting minnows ... but ... they were only rumors ... until now. [/size]
[size 1][/size]
[size 1]Yes fishing BFT'rs....we are in the mist of a clandestine operation.
In years past...unscrupleous fishermen would pack their catches with rocks or lead in order to make their fish heavier for the record books...so my theory is as follows: [/size]
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[size 1]The Rainbow trout...raised and nutured in the conclaves of DWR hatcheries have been brainwashed and trained in subversion tactics.
They have been instructed to perform a self sacrificing manueuver to manipulate the scales of unwitting fishermen. This deception is carried out by these well trained, hand reared, specialized Commando Rainbow Trout (a new species) that have been planted in Rockport. This is an experiment that is being watched carefully by TPTB. A 9 inch Rockport Trout will weigh 2 lbs...and if this conspiracy is successful ... unsusecting trout around the state will be forced to comply and eat rocks. Those not willing to comply will be shipped to the salt mines of the Great Salt Lake, where they will toil among the brine shrimp forever.
So...TD...your mission if you choose to accept it ... will be to develop for BFT a prototype rocklure or rockfly...not to be with a flying rock...which is used to test the thickness of the ice of said waters. You will be contacted again...
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