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fellow bftera skip the lunk head and i have a fude over who his icon on his post is we would very apreciate your imput votes will be counted and winner will be crowned keep it short and thanks.
Your such a Jackarse.....You will lose...OH yea...You will lose!!!!!!!

Do you mean Chris Farley on Skip's avitar?
chris farley for sure[cool]
Farley... Living where we all should...

[Tongue] Looks like Chris Farley once you mention it. At first I thought it was Drew Carey.
[cool]Definitely Chris Farley! I really miss that guy's comedy. That avitar image is from a skit he used to do on SNL where he was this motivational speaker dude that lived in his van down by the river. That was one of the funniest skits I've ever seen. That guy is truely missed by many. Unfortunitely John Belushi was his idol, and so he partied just like him, and his massive weight problem combined with his love of heroin, cocaine, alcohol, cigarettes and double shot expresso's weren't very good all combined together on his heart. Love that guy.
Could be Drew Carey.
[font "Verdana,Arial,Helvetica"][black][size 1][font "Verdana,Arial,Helvetica"][black][size 1]Yep... It's Tommy Boy... AKA Chris Farley[/size][/black][/font][/size][/black][/font]
Chris farley-- I'd recognize that bulk combined with the hyperactivity anywhere!
I guess P4L.
I think that's Chris Farley....didn't I see him down by the river?lol
Chris farley!!!!!
Chris Farley on SNL as motivational speaker Matt Foley. CLASSIC bit!!
At first glance, I thought it was Drew Carey (He's My Buddy!) But, I think it's definately Chris Farley
[size 1]Chris Farley[/size]
That's Chris Farley as the motivational speaker on SNL......"You'll be livin in a van down by the river!!!".....Only in my dreams.....
that would be chris farley but playing the part of matt fowley a motivational speaker who lives in a van down by the river,
That's from one of the SNL skits that made Chris Farley famous. It's Chris Farley, aka Matt Foley who lives in a van down by the river.