Fishing Forum

Full Version: I Finally got out fishing!!! Cottonwood Crk 12-28
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I finally got out fishing today! It was the first time since October that I've been able to get out... What a dry spell!
I had time before my physical theropy, so I loaded up the fishing pole and lures and crutches and went to the cottonwood. I fished it right around highland. I casted into the first hole I came to, and had a decent little trout flash me. So I switched to a gitzit, and whamo! The fight was on. He wound up being a 12" Bonneville cutthroat, only the 3rd one I've ever caught outta the city. I hobbled up to another hole and found a couple of carp sitting there. So I threw the lure back on and got one of those little buggers right in the tail. After 5 minutes I finally got him.
It was nice just being out today. I got pictures of both of them. Both were released to fight another day.
Glad you could finally get out. Sometimes fishing is the best therapy[Wink]
Some good fishing is in the city [Smile]
Oh boy! I got more of a workout yesterday than I've had the entire time. Plus it was actually fun! I can't wait till my knee get's better and I can finally fish and hunt again like I used to be able to!