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I have never used strike indicators and wondered which type would be the best to get for ice fishing. Or do they all work the same?

The cheep wire ones work fine. They get bent after a day or so and have to be replaced. I found a flat indicator that works quite well, at Sportsman's. The best indicator that I use is one that I made from a wound guitar string. There was a post on making them a week or so ago. The guitar string has a wound string over the wire string which gives it strength without making it too stiff.
I think that the type of indicator that you use isn't real important, but using one is.
Those lakeco or what ever thay are called work good enuf I'd put a piiece of masking tape around the rod where thay hook on a slip bober is fun to use on a warm day too but more hassel to use.
Which ever type you go with, spring bar or wire, try an avoid those with a small hole for you fishing line to feed through. The smaller the hole the faster they freeze up and will cause ya grief
[cool][#0000ff]Rabble-rouser. I'll post the pics again. One of those pics is how I modify the flat steel indicator (with the small hole) so that it does not create more problems (ice) than it solves. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]After removing the "comes with" line guide, I use stainless steel wire to shape a large loop and then wrap it on the original wire. I use hot red thread so it shows up well. It also shows how I wrap it on the rod.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]If you do your own rod wrapping, it is easy. If you don't, you need to make friends with someone who does. I think you know someone, Ken.[/#0000ff]