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Full Version: Custom shanty,, final results.
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Well here it is in a snow storm last Monday. Works great and its very comfortable to fish in.. Very happy with it, yeah baby!

[inline "Icehut 2@ Berry.JPG"]


[Wink] That's some sweet lookin Shanty
thats a "humdinger" of a shanty, your seemstress sure knows her way around a double back stich.

I copie writed the name "Humdinger"

you can use it if you like, but if you sell a million of them you have to send me one.... LOL dont know what I will do with it in tennessee, other than taking a tv in to it and pretend I am ice fishing in minnisota while watching the lions loose on any given sunday.

I see the roof tapering back, I was wondering what kind of head space do you have in there?

looks like you wont have much of a problem heating.

I remember you talking about water proofing, what did you end up using? it looks water tight but dosnt have the gloss finish one would expect to see.

just one other question, where is the door?
Thanks for the comments guys. As I say, we like! With it measuring 6'X6'X8' inside its spacy

LOL, Dave I like your choice of name for this unit but the final call isnt mine.
To answer your questions, we used 100% clear silicone to water proof both the top and around the bottom. Its applied in a very thin coat but permeates the fabric on the top and slightly down the sides. We also used silicone around the bottom and slight up the sides, inside and out, to prevent any problem with the fabric freezing to the ice or wicking moisture. Whats more, in the open field areas of the walls we used two coats of spray on water repellent.
As far as head space, theres plenty. I stand nearly 6' and when setting on the built in seat I look out the small side window perfectly with at least 6" between the shell and my head,, I made sure of that in the planning stages,lol...
The door has the largest window.. If you look at the front (at the bottom skirting), you'll note two separations, thats the width of the door (3'). The door is about 5' 6" tall and has two zipper's.
Note that the larger side windows arent at common sight level. This is to provide far more light where its needed in a shanty (at the fishing holes).

Again, thanks for your kind words guys.. It took more effort to get it the way we wanted than we thought it would. Ok, more effort than I thought it would, but it turned out great and we hope to get a lot of use out of it for many years.
hey buddy nice shanty!!
how did my old yamm-a-hammer pull it? no problems i hope..
It did ok. Got a little boggy here but all-n-all, ok [Smile]
Hey, Coldfooter do you hapen to have the plans for that nice condo. I could use one of those in the west here. I always have a couple fishing budes hanging around.give me a p.m. .[Smile]
That Ice shanty is Great!,and it truly is 1 of a kind![laugh]
And you'd know. [laugh]
Nice shanty my man to bad you wont get to use it on the gorge this yr,that suck's no macado for use unless we drag the boat's out got the old pig runing like a champ so get up hear eny time the dang W aint stiff and strong like every day this yr 06 suck's for that so far but have faith we may still even get an 1-2 of ice that's plenty LOL send them plan's this way we will get another built the 'party shack' for me and fuzzy lol later ASH[Wink]
Thanks Ash, you have to break out a pencil and tape when I get it up your way because I have no plans for this unit, lol.. Can wait to get back up there and chase a few MacAdoo with ya and it sucks FG probably wont cap to much this year. Good to hear the ride is running good tho'. Now if the W will back off you'll be set to do some serious Maccin'