I found this humorous. What do you think?
[url "http://www.sltrib.com/outdoors/ci_3372676"]http://www.sltrib.com/outdoors/ci_3372676[/url]
I think this has been a learning experience for the DWR. You can count on Utah fish being on the proc covers in the future. There is even talk of a photo contest for the proc cover. Maybe we could have bassrods holding up a trophy smallie from X, or one of you mac fishermen displaying a gorge specimen.... Just make sure your on the Utah side[


let the old parson stay happy. this is a learning experience and count on utah fish to be on the cover of the proclamation in the future. for now let it be.
I say Big Deal! It's what's inside that I look at.
Are we that bored that we need to find something like this to worry about?
There will be some people that complain about everything but it does seem typical that the editor in charge of making the decisions about printing the proclamations would not take that into consideration. I guess in his defense though, it sounds like he was not aware of where the picture was taken. I bet that won't happen again. WH2
Kind of reminds you of the way movie posters would show all kinds of exciting things as a promo, even though none of those scenes actually happened in the movie. But it is promotional, and it's a great fish and a very excited angler ...
I'm happy for him!
The only fish that the DWR would put on the proclamation would be a cutthroat .....
Nah...not bored... but faux paux's are faux paux's...and this is just another in a string of faux paux's made by top Utah officials where advertising dollars are concerned. And another notch in the "Let's make fun of Utah"...remininscent of the Utah Ski industry's Greatest Snowjob on Earth...pictures courtesy of Colorado.
And don't think that the cover of the proclamation is not advertising. It is.
Someone had to choose that photograph for the cover. It just didn't magically appear. So the fingers should be pointed in that direction...and not so much as to the editor...unless said editor is the one who made the choice of pictures whenin there again someone from DWR had to submit the photograph.
My opinion is that the TPTB wanted only to put trout on the cover...and that picture is one hell of a big cutthroat. Not a Utah cutthroat however.
But then perhaps the TPTB didn't think Utah fisherman were smart enough to recognize the difference between Utah & Idaho.
just found this....
[inline new_utah_fishingproc3.jpg]
Haha, thats pretty funny lurechucker =).
I found the story entertaining.
I would assume a good portion of us are from Idaho, as myself. Also many people here I'm sure fish Idaho waters like the Bear Lake and Bear River. I know I won't lose any sleep over this.
lurechucker - [cool][cool]
This needs to be posted over on the DWR board. Too funny.
But there is NO discussion over there about this faux paux 2006 proclamation photo.
This thread pretty much tells the whole story. Bassrods, it's under the 'everything else' forum on their site.
[url "http://wildlife.utah.gov/forums/viewtopic.php?t=7410&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=0"]http://wildlife.utah.gov/forums/viewtopic.php?t=7410&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=0[/url]
I read the aricle, then I started to read the replys. Then I forgot why this was even an issue. A Utah man caught a nice fish, got on the cover of the proclamation. Hell yeah, give him a pat on the back.
i dont know about the reast of you on this board. but i think this is a slap in the face to all Utah residents and fisherman!!
the DWR dose not even have pride enough in doing there job to show one of many nice fish cought here in this fine state? shame on them! SHAME is all they have for the job they have done?
I believe the point is that although that may be a Utah man, he wasn't fishing in Utah, on a Utah lake or stream, out of Utah water and it's not a Utah fish. So why is it on a Utah proclamation. Or doesn't Utah have that quality of fish?
That's a deception on the Utah fishing public who the majority will look at that photograph and think that is a Utah mountain scene, a Utah body of water and a Utah grown Cutthroat when in fact...that Utah fisherman...had to go to Idaho and buy a Idaho license...to catch an Idaho fish. The money spent going to Idaho to fish...didn't enhance any Utah waters, Utah businesses or Utah fisheries.
While it seems an insignificant issue...advertising dollars are scarce and need to be used appropriately. In this case to encourage Utah fisherman to buy Utah licenses and to fish Utah waters. Clearly the Utah DWR cover page missed that point.
It reminds me of when Denver was trying to win the bid for the Winter Olympics back in the late 60's (I believe). They used a picture of Mount Superior in Little Cottonwood Canyon for thier promotional publications. They took a heaping of flack over that decision just as DWR will do over this one!
Live and learn.
The DWR should catch it... look at what would happen if you did break the law by mistake what would they do......
Do you remember those brain teasers you'd play as a kid? Lots of similar drawings, you had to pick the two that matched?
If we had to play that with the Proclamation cover, we'd be out of luck.
Looks like time was spent to take out some "gill gaffing", but none spento to verify where the photo was from!
NOTE- I'm not too worried about the fingers in this photo...so no offense Mr. Parson. Just thought it was funny and worth pointing out.
[inline "Pre doctoring1.jpg"]
[inline "post doctoring1.jpg"]
If the DWR was in charge...
[inline ski_utah_ad.jpg]
[inline ski_utah_ad2.jpg]
[inline BYU_magazine_Cover.jpg]
(PS- I'm just having a bit of fun at the DWR's expense...hopefully they could laugh with me...)