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Full Version: stupid question about ice....
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i was just curious, why, even in stained water lakes, does ice always seem to be clear. shouldn't it look murky like the water? just wondering because at first freeze it always seem like you can see through the ice deeper into the water than you can without ice. does anyone know why or am i just being a bonehead?
There are no stupid questions here!!!

As far as your question, I can only guess as to why u think u can see farther. Doesnt clear ice magnify a bit???
I think I can help a bit with this. When a lake freezes over (for example Utah Lake) that is very murky, the water under the ice settles down and quickly clears. Think of the reason that Utah Lake is so murky: even the smallest wind churns it up into a froth. So, isolate the water from the wind, and much of the silt settles to the bottom. Also, fish (including carp) go deeper and are less active and more lethargic. That means they also are not stirring up near as much silt off the bottom. Suddenly, you can see very far into the water.

There are still particles in the ice, but not enough for the naked eye to notice usually.

This is why you can see deeper into the water when it's iced over.


geez, i guess i was being a bonehead. that makes perfect sense catman. i probably should have figured that out on my own. thanx for the info.
I agree with a lot what your say but would like to add dont forget the light reflection factor, and being able to stare down a hole where the water is completely calm.
I will also add that even after a couple weeks of capping, as Ron can testify, the water at the pump house at UT was still very murky. When I drop the cam down for a look see we still couldnt see more than a couple feet (tops) from the cam. Whats more let me state that most anyone that chases Walleye through the ice knows, "where the carp will go, eyes will follow", or is it visa versa? [Wink]
But in either case fish, even carp and cats, dont get as "lethargic" as most folk think they do during the cap season..