New York style story telling today.
So yo, check this shi# out, I'm up half the G/D night putin the crew together for the hit in Am Manyana. I decide who takes them out, because I'm the boss see. I want guys with mad skillz so I take Fackindave, Dan, Scott, Dan's nephew Steve (gota give the new guy some proper props) and my usual list of suspects TKB and BLM.
So we head out to make the hit in an area we know Mr. Bow has been seen lately. I know he's been hanging out in the Narrows so we jump in the DeVilles armed with our best stuff and head out. TKB has a lead on some clubs he's been hangin in so we decide to stake them out. We hit his crib first, no dice......BLM and TKB take down a few of his cohorts, me and the rest of the crew push west to the clubs he's been hangin at.
[cool]Whatta ya think we got here, all freakin' day or somethin'??? Finish the G.D. story already, or you're gonna be mince meat, ya hear me, snapperhead?[


Seriously though, let's hear the rest of it IFG. Sounds like the makings of a good story so far! Makin' me anxious to chase those big slime rockets next weekend!
What , you chasing bows with out me . I tangled with one today there but it left my ice fly stuck at the bottom of the icehole while it did a drive by .Maybe 5#er . If I only had a net . Dang cutts kept getting in the way too .
[cool]Randy, that sucks about the big bow sticking your jig on the bottom of the icehole and splitting on ya! Would have been cool to see the picture of that toad.
I really can't wait to get back up there for my first time this ice season next weekend. Don't know why the heck I've waited so long! Guess I like eating the tastier species too much, but now I'm ready for a little monster trout action!
We hit the clubs and find more of his pizan's. I slap them around a little yet they are tight lipped as to the where abouts of Mr. Bow. Here is a pic of Stevens first hit (Mr. Cutt). He's just an associate of Mr. Bow, yet after a little persuasion at the hands of IFG, he gave me a tip as to where Mr. Bow might be. Notice Mr. Cutt has no fingers left. I'm kinda silly like that.
[inline "Berry With Steve 006.jpg"]
I decide that Dan and the boys are going to stay put while TKB and BLM are going to lean on a little know club called the "Sunken Island". Scott and I take off for a club called the "Submerged Pine Trees". Scott takes down yet another of Mr. Cutt.
[inline "Berry With Steve 007.jpg"]
I have a nice talk with this clown and he tells me to go see the guys with the Airboat in the next cove over. I meet up with some heavy hitters straight out of Philly, (seems my employers don't think I have the nads and muscle do do the job). My employers think they need a bit of back up. They were right. Watch on the secret mafia channel for a guy we shall call Doug. On the picture segment of the show will be the hiiters out of Philly. Mr. Bow has been taken taken down. My crew will be forever shamed in the eyes of the boss. We now must make up for our failures.
(chapter 3 wheel weights) After Doug.
[font "Arial Black"][red][size 3]I have really got to get up there before it gets too late.[/size][/red][/font]
[font "Arial Black"][#ff0000][size 3]AFDan52[/size][/#ff0000][/font]
Mr. Bow eludes us still. We search from the 3.2 ft club all the way to the 120 ft club. Scott nails a few of his buddies but still no Mr. Bow. I roll on in to see if TKB and BLM have spotted Mr. Bow. They have not, want to know why? Because they are hitting Mr. Cutt. on some guy named Tube Dude, POS hammered wheel weight jig painted white. Guys, this is not higher math, it's a wheel weight (you have them on your car or your wifes truck), beat flat with a hammer, then painted white. Oh, it does have a hook on one end. You've got to be kidding me, I have, without a doupt 1K in tackle just for ice fishing. These knuckleheads are catching fish on something I can steal out of a Walmart parking lot. Of course, I'd still have to buy paint. I give up, I'm going to figure out how to tie flies and sit around, drink expensive single malt Scotch and tell lies. I have the lie part down pat, now I just have to figure out what a fly is and how to mix Scotch with 7-UP.
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]That jiggin' spoon isn't a tire weight. Its a hammered torpedo sinker made by our own Tubedude and you got to admit, it knocked the crap out of the fish. When things slowed down in the afternoon and I was getting a lot of "drivebys" and could buy a bite, I decided to try something different so I tied on a 1/4 oz jigging spoon tipped with chub. First drop - WHAM! A solid hard hit and fish on the hard deck. I caught two more in two more successive drops and then told TheeKillerBee to come check this out. I dropped and banged another one! [/size][/black][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3][/size][/black][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]TheeKillerBee, not being a man with confidence in lead jig spoons, couldn't believe it! I handed the rod to Brandon and he dropped the spoon and BINGO! He caught a fish. He dropped two more times and missed two more fish and not because the lure failed but because he couldn't get a hook in them! That little spoon rocked! I believe TheekillerBee has new found faith in lead jigging spoons. 'Dude, your jiggin' spoon rocked![/size][/black][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3][/size][/black][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]Also, IFG, you neglected to mention about socking a few kokes through the ice at the Berry. How many folks get that done?[/size][/black][/font]
[cool][#0000ff]Glad ta hear da heavy metal got da goods.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Now I spose I gots ta go steal more tire weights from da little ol ladies' cars at Wal Mart.[/#0000ff]
Another fun trip with the boys in da hood! We did some explorin' today to try to find other secret spots, as well as look for the elusive bow. Like Scott said, the bows were on the run again, but we did put a few cutties on the deck. Not a stellar day, but a good day none-the-less. Sure was cool watchin' BLM drop his tire weight on the fishes heads! They would then float to the hole unconcious, and he would just scoop them up! Supid hammered tire weight! He stole it off of Scott's truck just before we left the marina parking lot! Which they haven't bothered to plow yet, so we gave others a demonstration of where not to park!
BLM is guy that invented cisco bonking sounds like he has taken it to a new level.[

Sounds like the same method BLM perfected a few years back at Bear lake. If I remember corectly he was bonking the cisco on the head with rocks or jigs or some such thing and when the cisco floated to the surface he would scoop them up. Sounds like a fun trip guys, too bad the Bows were keeping their distance once again.
If you get a chance, head over to the outdoors page at KUTV and see that piggy bow Scott was talking about. It's a beaut! According to the IFG, it is still alive and well!
sounds like you missed the "Good Step Brother" on your frozen fishing adventure. Ah but it was fun the in the sun out in the desert running the "Gunship" 65 mph. Oh btw, our fish were alot more green around the gills and nary a trout was seen.
Looks like you ladies had a good, but ours was mo betta[cool].
[font "Zurich Ex BT"][blue][size 3]IFG PUT THE ROD DOWN AND SNAP OUT OF IT. You just arent making any sense since you started chasing rainbows. I can't even understand your dialect. There is no pot of gold at the end of a rainbow just a pile of s#*!. You need to put your powers to a more noble cause and that is to make the gorge into a big icy parking lot. No more rainbows and unicorns, this is what you are after.[/size][/blue][/font]
[inline Resize%20of%202005-12-17%20006.jpg]
[font "Zurich Ex BT"][blue][size 3]P.S. please don't strike me with lightning I burn easily[/size][/blue][/font]
[left][font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]Here's that 9 lb. 'bow caught yesterday on the Berry. I could get used to these too![/size][/black][/font][/left] [center] [/center] [center]
![[Image: xl]](
They caught that bow on the 7th and it made Doug Miller's snapshot of the week on the 8th? That is a pretty good turn around! It looks like there is waaay too much blood and snow on that fish to still be swimming around today.
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]You very well could be right but I've seen many fish that bleed from the hook puncture wound in the mouth area. Also I don't know about you but I have seem to have every fish I catch through the ice flops around in the snow for a while before I can subdue it and remove the hook. That may explain the snow on the fish.[/size][/black][/font]
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[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]SUPPOSEDLY, the guy caught the fish, took the pic from a cell phone/camera and e-mailed it to Dog Miller right away from Strawberry. That's the story he told IFG when they were talking about it.[/size][/black][/font]