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Full Version: Fish Possession Question???
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If you decide to have a Strawberry Cutthroat over 22" mounted, at what time of possession can you go back to Strawberry and catch another Cutthroat over 22"?
If it is in your freezer waiting for a taxidermist to take it from you, I would see it as still in your possession and therefor you can't go fishing for another one at that time. Once the taxidermist had the fish in his possession with all legal documents, I would think that it would be legal to go back to Strawberry and fish for another Cutthroat over 22".
So what do you think?
Your right. Once the fish leaves your possession with the proper documentation, it's no longer part of your possession limit and you can fish away.
Great question and answer DKS. I never thought about that before!
Or you could just document your fish, pictures, measurements and such, and return him alive to the water. Then have a replica done.
A possession limit would not be in effect, then.
I agree with you UintaIce. I have never kept a fish for the wall. It is my personal choice to release the fish that I catch. At least most of them. Some do make great table fare! I would use a fiberglass replica myself, but I have no problem with others mounting legally caught fish.
I was just thinking about the question and wondered what others thought about it. Some of the fishing regulations can be interesting to understand.