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Full Version: ranting and raving over bait
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I just wanted to tell every one that I ordered 500 live wax worm from one of the stores here at Big Fish. I received them in less than a week though I did not count every single worm I did how ever not find a dead one in the bunch.

they turn grey then black when dead, they also turn in to crystilis when to old. I picked some at the bait shop about 2 weeks ago that turned in to crystilis. dont dump them in the house trash or garage trash eather. I did that once and Now I still get moths haunting me.

give them to your fish in the aqurium or leave them on the ice on the lake better yet. dont leave the package. throw it in the trash out side the house.

any way I am tickled orange that they came so fast.
good deal ! sure beats getting them for 2.50 a dozen up here . by the way minnows are $6.00 a dozen here . i hope the pearch like the waxworms !