I have a Marcum flasher that makes a clicking noise at the transducer. I can still hear it when it is in the water 10". Does any one else have a marcum that does the same? I noticed that the Vexlar, though noisier at the flasher, is quiet at the transducer. Has anyone found the marcum transducer noise to be scaring off fish or adversely affecting it? Any opinions regarding choice of a marcum verses a vexlar finder?
That clicking is when it is called pinging some are just loud...
I have a marcum(LX3) and my son has a vexilar(FL18). The marcum is louder louder at the transducer, but I haven't noticed any problem with it scaring fish away. I can't hear it once its in the water, maybe my ears aren't as good as yours.
We have used the vexilar for two years and the marcum for one. I preferr the marcum. Sharper display, quieter machine, noisier transducer. The vexilar works just as well. Little noisier at the unit. Prefer the colors on the vexilar. Vex has green, yellow, red. Marcum has yellow, orange, red.
Just a little interference when we run both units, but not too bad. One day on Rockport we had me, bassrods, CBR, Fishingwaters, and Pikeman all running our sonars. There was some serious interference! We had to read between the noise to see the fish. Fun fishing though. Great folks.
I've heard that those Marcums scare all the fish away. I'd be happy to trade you straight across for my old Humminbird, which actually attracts fish. I swear. Honest.
mateo And I guess you have a bridge to sell too and we do trust you....oh yes we dooooo.....
Sorry, but the bridge is already sold.
Hey Icerman,
I got LX3 this year and also can hear the transducer. I think it is only because of the 1500 watts of power VS. much less with the vexilar. I have an FL8 that I have used since they came out and I really like it also but the LX3 because it is more powerful is a nicer unit in my opinion. It also does a better job at interference rejection. It hasn`t slowed up the catching for me at least in 40 feet and deeper. I think I will use the FL8 in shallow water.
Fish On
I have a Garman 240 Blue. It makes a fairly loud clicking noise when it is out of the water, I haven't heard it while it is in the water. If I'm catching fish then it dosen't scare them away. On days that I can't get a bite it is the transducers fault.
Seriously, I don't think it affects my fishing any.
Thanks for the responses. I'm glad to hear the positive reports about the marcum (I did my home work before purchase and all was good). Sounds like I don't have a defective unit if others also hear the clicking. I wasn't sure if the fish could sense the "click" and change patterns.