the wood pile and i just got back from devils creek we managed to ice about 50 of the slime rockets, and i do mean slimey largest being 16 cutt average 13 to14. wood caught 2 bass also ugly little critters but tastey. ice is thick it will support a small condo. edges were solid. if that pond was in utah it would be fished out in a weekend, amazing what the idaho game and fish can do with a irragation, pond. whats cool is there legislature dosent take all the money from licenses etc, and put into the general fund to pay for there schools and salarys. sucks dont it wait till next year and you get the great price increase again. i realise id dosent have our pop. but there was 4 cars in lot and all were from ut. they have these ponds all over and they are great fishing. hell if they were here thed be full of carp. im shocked stawbery isent full of carp. if the fish and game hadentt put the regs on the berry it would be void of fish. i used too see stringers of fish come out of there to go home be frezzer burnt and thrown into garbage. nobody could eat that muthch trout. wallleye wipers yes. well thats my 2 cents worth we are headed for the beery on sat. were staying over nite and if any one needs a ride to his fav hole. skip the lurker will be glad to haul you and all your gear out.
I don't mean to hijack the thread, but just wanted to point out that license fees, by statute, can't be transferred to the general fund.
"Restricted funds: The majority of DWR's revenue is generated from the sale of hunting and fishing licenses and permits. These funds are restricted for exclusive use by DWR and cannot be transferred to other state agencies. One hundred percent of the license dollars collected stay within the DWR to carry out the division's mission to conserve and protect the Wildlife of Utah. Funding overages or shortages are managed through an interest-bearing account maintained by the State Treasurer"
Source: [url ""][/url]
Now, the amount that is given from the general fund to the DWR does vary year to year, and public pressure on legislators (particularly members of the appropriations committee) could conceivably influence how much that is each year.
In addition, within the DWR license fees can be spent many ways--fishing, hunting, habitat, Endangered Species, etc. etc. Public input to DWR officials can help influence how fees are spent.
The question then becomes this: if more general fund money goes to DWR instead of raising license fees, then is the legislature going to be making more management decisions instead of bioligists? It's like HMOs making medical decisions instead of doctors, and it's a legitimate concern.
That being said, it sounds like you had some fun pulling some fish out of the ice. Where exactly is Devils Creek?
Devils creek reservoir is stocked with a lot of fish. and it is good that it is.
I have to agree utah anglers do fish it a lot. And I believe that most of the fish in that reservoir do go or end up in utah freezers.
Thank goodness it is stocked well or it would be fished out also.
Most people keep all that they catch there.
I know year before last when they planted in the summer with about 40,000 rainbows people acted like they had never caught a fish before. The reservoir was real low too.
I saw the same people come day after day and take home limits for the whole family.
Kind of

I think but it happens. And like you said they later throw them away when they have been in the freezer for a while.
It is kinda close to Utah so I guess that is why it is fished by utah so much. I would think that some other utah lakes close by would be better than that little reservoir especially for the size that they are.
The reservoir is drained pretty darn low most every year. So it is planters on the most part with ocassional or limited carry over.
But it does get a lot of Utah pressure for some reason.
Its winter and their Farmers JC, they feed the cows and they go back inside..winter is the off season and they are resting..[cool].Its cold out their..and you know danged well that people in utah dont work and can fish any time they want...just PM MGB any time..when he gets back from fishen he'll pm ya back..used to just be that people fished on fridays..for religious purposes of course..but seems now, that a tuesday is just as good as a friday...Hey whats your room number up their to the berry this weekend??? Maybe we'll pop in for some Holdem..cowboy[

you and mac man got your arses handed to you in texas playing holdem with a adobe engineer .might as well have it handed to you at the berry to. you play cards like you fish no slap and snap.[

if the fish and game is getting so much money why are they constantley crying poverty. it was my understanding that all monies from special draws went to dwr rest went into the general fund . i could be wrong but then the price of the great lottery went from5 to 10 next year who gets that money are you trying to feed me it cost 10 bucks to procsess every permit specily when the blood suckers send em out of state.
It looks like another he said, she said, war is about to begin. We all get frustrated when it comes to land and fish and game managment but until we know the facts, we should not spread gossip. It would be interesting if you had to prove that what you are saying was fact before you could post it. But then there would be very few posts.
Let's just try to have some facts before we make false claims. It will help all of us to learn what is truth and what is opinion only.
I'm not trying to start anything but the complaining of people crossing state lines to go about their business gets a little much I think. I fish Idaho from time to time and of course the fishing is better. If I pay for a license, then it's my right to take home some dinner. I do of course agree that you don't need to take a stringer home every time.
I went to Crowther's reservoir last year and as an Idaho resident walked onto the lake, he was cursing Utahns and using a lot of foul language and I had the unpleasant opportunity of explaining to my 5 year old what some of those words meant. Cache Valley is full of people who come here to work from Idaho. That is their right, but I don't go after each one and tell them to get out of Utah. I just think that if you pay for your license, then you have as much right to be in your state as out of your state. Besides, I know a bunch of people who pay for an Idaho season license every year. I'll bet the Idaho fish and game would take a huge hit if every Utah angler didn't fish Idaho at all.
Hey kickn bass, the fishing sucks in idaho. Dont go there. The people are mean, the few fish that are there have asian bird flu, I NEVER go to idaho to fish.
Oh, the bird hunting there sucks too.
In all truth. I have met many a fisherman in idaho and never been treated poorly or had one complain that i was there. Granted I do mostly bass fish in idaho.
Bass fishermen are much more tolerant than trout fishermen. Walleye fishermen are much more tolerant than bass fishermen.
Perch fishermen are a greedy bunch. Get bassrods around perch fishermen and the perch start flying like they were throwing knives. Until some one looses an eye.
Crappie fishermen are an elusive bunch. Always sneaking around in the backs of brushy coves. Ducking in there, swinging around here. You gotta watch them crappie boys, especially the utah ones.
Once I met a toothless crappie fisherman, Nice guy, but he spit a little too much for me. He was from arizona. Now theres a state full of xxxxxx and weenies for ya!
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]Edited for inappropriate content. You konw better! BLM[/size][/black][/font]
Now wait a minute Predator. My wife's second cousin's nephew on her mother's side has an uncle that knows someone from Arizona, so I take that very personnaly!!!
I dont care what you say, my wife is from arizona so I know all about it
My wife actually is from arizona. no kidding. Thier social security numbers start with goofy numbers down there. Its a crazy world gone out of control. Just look at the giant deer the arizona stirp grows! Whats in the water down there?!