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Full Version: Cisco Run Status and Bear Lake Fishing Report Fri-1/13
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[font "Comic Sans MS"][black]Fishing Report and Conditions at Bear Lake[/black][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black]Friday, January 13, 2006[/black][/font]
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[font "Comic Sans MS"][black]Fishing for cutthroat trout and whitefish has been very good. Anglers are also starting to snag a few cisco off the rockpile and new rockpiles north of the State Park marina. We anticipate open water conditions for the cisco run, so if you plan on dip-netting fish come prepared with waders and a change of clothes just in case you accidentally go swimming.[/black][/font]
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[font "Comic Sans MS"][black]Try fishing for cutthroat trout and whitefish off the west side of the lake at the rockpiles in about 36-40 feet of water. On the east side try off Val's Pump and 2nd Point. Tube jigs tipped with cisco are the best bet right now for cutts. Swedish pimples, castmasters, and other jigging spoons in smaller sizes are working well for the whitefish. You might also try using a dropper with an ice fly about a foot below the castmaster. [/black][/font]
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[font "Comic Sans MS"][black]Cisco are starting to be caught by boat anglers using spoons right on the bottom off the rockpile and off the new rockpiles north of the Utah State Park marina. Remember any other fish that may be foul hooked while snagging cisco must be immediately released. Read the proclamation for all of the rules and regulations. Beginning on Monday, January 16 the Bear Lake UDWR office will begin updating the answering machine with the latest cisco run conditions. [#ff4040]PLEASE CALL AFTER 4:00pm SO THE PHONE WILL NOT HAVE TO BE ANSWERED BY OFFICE STAFF.[/#ff4040] (435) 946-8501.[/black][/font]
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[font "Comic Sans MS"][black]There is approximately 6" of snow on the ground in the Garden City area and very little snow along the east side of the lake. Conditions are winter-like and very cold, so come prepared. There are still some chunks of floating ice on the lake, so be cautious when launching and motoring to your fishing spots. The Cisco Beach boat ramp is available for launching all sizes of boats, but you need to make sure you keep an eye on the weather since there is no protection from the wind if you choose to launch at Cisco Beach. The Utah State Park marina continues to have deicers running and the marina is basically ice-free at this time. Beach launching smaller boats is possible off the Gus Rich and Ideal Beach areas, but the shoreline areas are shallow and soft sand on the beach can be difficult to drive though. Use these areas at your own risk. [/black][/font]
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Sweet! Sound like the BL anchovies will be coming on strong "real soon now".
Thanks for the report Scott. Is the ramp at the marina bare or do you think a guy might need chains to launch a heavier boat?
Bring your chains Jeff, unless you have a 4x4 with Posi traction. We had a hard time getting the trailer out without the boat and just about didn't get the boat out when we left. Had to back several feet down into the water and take several running starts to get off the ice by the waters edge. My boat is only 16ft so you might have a problem with your bigger boat. We only got 6 cisco today, I'll post a report later.
A couple bags of salt can go along way toward getting a boat back up an icy ramp.
Thanks for the report Curt. Its supposed to snow some more up here Sunday and Monday. If I go I'll definantly take some salt and I always carry chains just in case. They sure are a pain in the butt to put on, anyway for me.[unsure]

Good idea Glenn, do you use water softener salt?
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 2]Curt,

I've used ice/snow melt (which is just salt) on that ramp a couple times this year. Even a half bag goes a long way and works wonders on the ice as long as there is not too much snow.[/size][/font]
When are you going to do the Cisco Disco?