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This week let's talk about the spinnerbait. I have yet caught a fish on this here or in VT. I'm sure it's my ignorance on how to use this bait. I've watched Bill Dance explain how to use it, time and time again. Maybe someday I'll learn the mechanics of this lure. I will be getting two more for my box in hopes that it will work for me this season. That is the challenge of bass fishing. When you master one presentation, you work on another type to get fish. Blue and white have worked in our waters , along with black and pure white. I'll be trying the white this year with some red and chartruse. If you have a favorite presentation, let me know.
spinnerbaits were the hardest to learn for buddy fishes them all the time,and would outfish me most of the time using them.untill i started picking up on them.what i do,is let it set,and sink to the bottom,reel in,and twitch,the tip of the rod up.bouncing it along the bottom,i tried bill dances way,and never caught anything that way.they came out with saltwater version recently,i don't think i will give it a try,i am getting older and set in my ways,what i use works for me
spinnerbaits, there is the wrong way, and every thing else is the right way.

I suggest this spring you start with a mepps yellow or chartruce buck tail spinnerbaits now called ulrta lights.

once you have mastered a spinner bait you will never go hungry. (you know what I mean [Wink])

ok the wrong way to use a spinner bait is to bring it in smoothly. It helps to be standing and holding your rod down in a near golf swing position when bringing your spinner bait in. it also helps to use a fast action rod as well. the more your rod tip is bouncing around the more hits you are going to take. Your rod makes all the action for you.

My first guess is that you are facing your casting position insted of turning sideways 90*. that allows for a smoth retreive. that is ok if you are using jigging presentation.

switching up on retreivals work as well, fast slow light jerks and if you are using soft plastics you can allow it to drop to the bottom of the lake or river.

using spinner baits near the bottom usualy brings up smallies along with crappie perch walleye and an ocational agressive gill.

using spinner baits near top to mid bring in pike bucket mouths and allowing it to drop from top to bottom sometimes will make a bucket mouth pick up a soft plastic off the bottom.

when you go to the larger spinnerbait lures #3 and up you will need stiffer rods and heaver line. you will catch fewer fish with those sizes but the ones you do catch are going to dwarf all your other fish.

dont be afraid to hook them up on down riggers and plainer boards. your boat and plainer board action will give your spinners all they need to hook up.

sitting out on a boat off the drop off, cast paralell to the shelf you can work a number of deapths. setting inside the drop off cast out over the edge and bring it in. from inside you can work a 360* angle as aposed to the 90* and 180* positions off the drop off side.

let me know if this helps.
WOW, I guess if there was a way for me to wrongly fish this bait, I have done it. Thankyou both for some good points. Maybe this year I can hook one up, on this bait. [Smile]
just remember mepps and mr twister is number one for spinner baits. their new catalogs are now out. drop me a pm with an address and I will have them mail you each catalog. cabellas and most every shop carries these lures.

I used to do it the wrong way as well, I lernt this one by axident, I was standing on shore when something caught my attention over my sholder and when I turned side ways to check it out I hooked up.

when it comes to fishing I have never been a slow learner, but with the galls is another story all togther [pirate][angelic]
That happened to me when I first stated worming with senco,s. Threw the worm out wasn't getting any hits, so I put the rod down to get a cup of coffee. Bam had one on. Lesson learned sloooow dowwwwn. [Wink] Women are like fishing. Everyday you have to refigure what they want. And then your probable wrong.[Smile]