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[#ff0000]After numerous PM's, phone calls and face to face confrontations about hosting this years ice party. I have decided to get my act together and get this thing planned. Due to my obligations this winter to coach Jr. Jazz basketball I have picked the date of Feb. 18th to host the event. Depending upon ice conditions of course.

I am playing around with many different ideas of what to do this year at the get together. Breakfast is one idea, a hotdog/hamburger lunch being another, and a perch fry is also an idea. Also another idea I am having is an on ice pot luck!!! I am really starting to like the pot luck idea due to people being able to bring their own creations, i.e salsas, dips, and ect.

I am still very Undecided about having contests or raffles this year. Reasons why is it is the upfront costs to supply the prizes and another reason is the mass confusion I have encountered over the past couple of years trying to due such contests. I am working with our former member CBR, and also getting with past coordinator fishnpro40 to get all the details sorted out. Look forward to more posts detailing the plans for the event. These post will fall mainly under the events and get together board on BFT.
Hey Polo, thats great you decided to have the party again, but I'll give you a heads up to another fishing contest/ derby on the same day. My sister-in-law works at parker and she said that Parker is holding a fishing derby/ contest at rockport on the 18th of Feb also. I don't know how many people would be going to either one or if it would even be an issue. Just thought I would pass that info on.
Not to rain on the parade, but that is also Daytona weekend. I won't be able to make it. I'll be watching people go round in circles all weekend.

Yeah man, back to left turns only!![Wink]
[unsure] Presidents day weekend. Lots of people wil be up fishing. will be a total madhouse. [pirate]
I will be at Fish Lake that weekend. Hope that you can find a different day, but that will be hard to do. Good luck and have fun.
IFG, That was my first thought also, but I figured I could just DVR the race, go fish and then come home to watch the race with some cold ones.

2006- the return of Earnhardt Jr.!!!! and the emergence of Truex Jr.
come on DEI.
.......D-mack quietly chuckles......

Go Kahne!!
We will still be there!
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Hey,, now yer talkin"! [Wink]
I drink too much that weekend to drag mine. Beside, the TV in the trailer is wayyyyyy to small to watch the first race of the season on and it doesn't have surround sound. Besides, what would I cook the Hot Wings in? The freezer is way to small to store enough ice for Mrs. IFG's drinks, where would the dogs sleep? You see the logistics of the thing are much too difficult.

Sorry Polo for hijacking your thread. Us NASCAR fans are kinda stupid when it comes to opening day.

Not trying to continue the hijacking of the thread, but I'm a NASCAR junkie too. To us, it's like planning something the day of the Superbowl! [crazy]

Go JJ - 48!
I completely didnt realize it was on Presidents weekend. I have tentative plans actually for that weekend too. So there might not be a ice party this year, unless someone else plans it!!! [unsure]
Well, if there's no Ice Party, how about a race party[shocked] I'll bring the ice to keep it all relative.
Superbowl Sunday has been one of my best fishing days several times recently. Not that I don't like football, just like fishing a whole lot better. That's also one Sunday you usually don't have to fight the crowd.[unsure]
Anyone that roots for Sterling is welcome at my place. I know he sucks but he's been my driver for 20 years. He's back in a Chevy and was 3rd in test today. You know that tupay wearing SOB can drive a plate track! My wifes a 9 car fan. Go figure.
I figure between Awesome Bill, Front Row Joe and Sterling thats what 400 years racing expeience? I like my odds this year. 2006, the year of the old guys, screw the young guns.

You NASCAR fans are too funny! Opening day should mean one thing and one thing only: Baseball season!

Yeah, I'll be taking a vacation day on the REAL "Opening Day" heheh
Man I miss the 3 car.

Oh and btw,, I'll pass up any type of ball game to go fishin',, any day, anytime.. But Stock car racing is really hard for me to pass up because I'm an old circle burner myself..
While I was able to finally walk away from driving,, watching is still pretty deep in my blood, lol....

Do we have any other BFT'ers that have twisted the wheel to the left on a track? My race days where at Santana Race way in Springville in the late 70's and early 80's.. I ran Mopar's, namely Roadrunner's..