Fishing Forum

Full Version: Currant Creek Res. 1-16-06
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I haven't had anything to post about for ages but I finally got out on the ice for the first time this season up to Currant Creek.

The road is mostly slippery, packed snow with drifts in a few places. A friend of mine slid off the road last week and had to get a tow truck to pull him out.

We moved around a lot and fished in water from 14 to 30' and found fish in every hole and all depths from the top to the bottom which made the fish finder handy. Caught most fish on a green Booger tipped with a chunk of nightcrawler but I don't know if it mattered much what the lure was as long as it had a worm on it. The fish were bigger than the last time I was up that way with many over 12" and one measured at 18". Fishing was good which made up for the cold and wind. At least it was sunny.[Smile]

Thanx for the report