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[font "arial, helvetica, sans-serif"][#00e010]Volunteer Stream Cleanup Program[/#00e010][/font]
[font "arial, helvetica, sans-serif"][#00e010]Agency:[/#00e010][/font] [font "arial, helvetica, sans-serif"][black]Environmental Quality[/black][/font]

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Michigan Volunteer River, Stream and Creek Cleanup 2006 Grant Program

Program Description - The 2006 Volunteer Cleanup of Rivers, Streams and Creeks Grant Program (VRSCCP) will provide small grants to local units of government to help implement cleanups of rivers, streams, and creeks to improve the waters in Michigan. A local unit of government means any of the following: a county, city, village, or township; an agency of a county, city, village, or township; the office of a county drain commissioner; a soil conservation district; a watershed council established under part 311 of the natural resources and environmental protection act; a local health department; a community college or junior college; or a 4-year institution of high education, public or private, located in this state. [MCL 257.811(i)(5)]. Volunteer organizations may partner with local units of government to carry out the cleanups.

Source of Funding -Funding for this program is provided by fees collected from the sale of the State’s Water Quality Protection license plates (Public Act 74 of 2000). A total of $32,154 is available under the program for Fiscal Year (FY) 2006. This includes $25,000 of FY 2006 funds and $7,154 in carry-over funds from FY 2005.

Grant Program Management
The Great Lakes Commission (GLC) manages the VRSCCP for the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ). The Grant Application Package (GAP) was released January 12, 2006. The application deadline for Volunteer River, Stream and Creek Cleanup grants is February 24, 2006.

Project and GAP Description
The Michigan VRSCCP provides small grants to local units of government to help implement cleanup of trash and debris within or along the banks of rivers, streams, and creeks to improve the waters in Michigan. Local units of government may partner with nonprofit organizations or other volunteer groups to carry out the cleanups. There is a minimum local match requirement of 25 percent of the total project costs.

The Volunteer Stream Cleanup GAP and application instructions are available online at [url ""][/url]. The GAP contains detailed instructions, including eligibility requirements and other information for developing a proposal, evaluation criteria, and items that should be included with your application.

Applications will be reviewed and assessed by GLC and DEQ staff, with final decisions anticipated in March 2006. Grants are expected to be awarded in April. Contractual arrangements will be facilitated by the GLC, which is administering the VRSCCP on behalf of the DEQ.

Once again, the deadline for submitting grant applications under the FY 2006 Volunteer River, Stream and Creek Cleanup Program is February 24, 2006. If you have questions regarding the GAP or your application, please contact John Hummer at the Great Lakes Commission at 734-971-9135 or

Thank you for your interest in cleaning up Michigan’s water resources![/black][/font]