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Who is selling whatta crickets?
Go talk to the James gang at Hooked Fishing Tackle. He has them made. I also heard that they may be at Anglers den under a differtent name, and probably a little more money (gotta figure in transportation and repackaging prices). You can e-mail Jmaes also (HFT).
Hooked fishing tackle in Kaysville is the only one around here. Send a PM to HFT and he can help you out.
Hooked?? The last time I went in there for fly tying stuff, they said they were going out of business. I'll go down there and check it out. Thanks for the Info.
We still have a bunch!
Just got back from Hooked. Thay have wattas and boogers on sale. Regular 1.25 each now just a dollar each.
Hot colors are white, green and glow.