01-18-2006, 11:48 PM
I recently sent an email to a dozen or so members of the Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environmental Standing Committee (in the Utah Legislature) regarding the proposed increases for hunting and fishing licenses in 2007.
Here is the response email from Rep. Michael E. Noel, Vice Chairman of that committee:
Dear Kevin,
Thank you for your recent email and for your interest in issues
relating to wildlife resources in Utah. As you may or may not know, I serve as
the Vice Chairman of the Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environmental
Standing Committee and as a member of the joint appropriations committee that
oversees the budget for the Division of Wildlife Resources. I am aware of the
proposed fee increases and will do my best to vote these down in committee. I
do believe that the Division of Wildlife Resources needs an appropriation from
the general funds as opposed to going to the hunter and fisherman for all of
their budget needs. As a life long hunter and sportsman, I want you to know
that I will do all in my power to keep the costs of licenses for harvesting our
game species at an affordable price to all the citizens of Utah. Thank you
again for your input into this important matter.
Thank you,
Representative Noel
> Rep. Michael E. Noel-
> As you have probably heard, the Division of Wildlife Resources is proposing
> to raise the cost of licenses in 2007 to cover a budget shortfall. It is a
state when the DWR only gets 8% of its funding from the general fund, and
> being forced to make up the rest entirely from the sale of hunting and
> fishing licenses, which is unlike nearly every other agency in the state. The
> DWR benefits far more individuals than just us hunters and fishermen. They
> help to enforce the laws. The DWR helps prevent species in Utah from
> becoming listed in the Federal Endangered and Threatened Species List, which
> helps keep control of Utah's resources here in Utah. This has economic
> advantages to Utah as well. Much of Utah's tourism is influenced by it's
> wild lands and its wildlife, and to only dedicate 8% of the DWR's budget from
> the General Fund is selling every Utah citizen short. In a time when the
> numbers of license holders in Utah is decreasing, an increase in fees is not
> the answer to the budget problems for the DWR, and could just widen the gap
> in the future. As a concerned citizen and sportsman, I urge you to make sure
> that the percentage of the DWR budget be increased to a reasonable level,
> instead of increasing fees that will only cause more burden to be placed on a
> select few individuals.
> Thank you for your time.
Here is the response email from Rep. Michael E. Noel, Vice Chairman of that committee:
Dear Kevin,
Thank you for your recent email and for your interest in issues
relating to wildlife resources in Utah. As you may or may not know, I serve as
the Vice Chairman of the Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environmental
Standing Committee and as a member of the joint appropriations committee that
oversees the budget for the Division of Wildlife Resources. I am aware of the
proposed fee increases and will do my best to vote these down in committee. I
do believe that the Division of Wildlife Resources needs an appropriation from
the general funds as opposed to going to the hunter and fisherman for all of
their budget needs. As a life long hunter and sportsman, I want you to know
that I will do all in my power to keep the costs of licenses for harvesting our
game species at an affordable price to all the citizens of Utah. Thank you
again for your input into this important matter.
Thank you,
Representative Noel
> Rep. Michael E. Noel-
> As you have probably heard, the Division of Wildlife Resources is proposing
> to raise the cost of licenses in 2007 to cover a budget shortfall. It is a

> being forced to make up the rest entirely from the sale of hunting and
> fishing licenses, which is unlike nearly every other agency in the state. The
> DWR benefits far more individuals than just us hunters and fishermen. They
> help to enforce the laws. The DWR helps prevent species in Utah from
> becoming listed in the Federal Endangered and Threatened Species List, which
> helps keep control of Utah's resources here in Utah. This has economic
> advantages to Utah as well. Much of Utah's tourism is influenced by it's
> wild lands and its wildlife, and to only dedicate 8% of the DWR's budget from
> the General Fund is selling every Utah citizen short. In a time when the
> numbers of license holders in Utah is decreasing, an increase in fees is not
> the answer to the budget problems for the DWR, and could just widen the gap
> in the future. As a concerned citizen and sportsman, I urge you to make sure
> that the percentage of the DWR budget be increased to a reasonable level,
> instead of increasing fees that will only cause more burden to be placed on a
> select few individuals.
> Thank you for your time.