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[unsure] ... I didn't have the tail gate on my pickup yesterday evening and lost my ice sled and complete set-up out the back. Auger, tackle boxes, fish finder, poles .... everything gone.

I'm calling the Sheriffs office in Franklin and Bear Lake counties as soon as I get off here. I lost it somewhere between Winder Reservoir ... south on 34 to the 36 turn off and over Imigration to Liberty.

Anyone have any other ideas who else I might call?
Dude, I am so sorry! I can only think of the rage of pain you are going through. I will give you hope, because there are a lot of good people in both counties, so I bet it will turn up. Try calling the Montpelier Ranger District (U.S. Forest Servece 847-0375) its a long shot, but when I worked for them we would sometimes find items and attempt to call the owners. Also, you may wast to pin up some personal info at Maverick in Montpelier, or a gas station in Preston.

Good Luck,

Ovid Creek
I would say Bummer is and understatement! Talk about a total bad day, Wow! I hope some good honest soul found it and will make and effort to find you.
Watch the lost and found in the papers. Something similar to that happened to me with my tubes. Someone found them and posted an add in the lost and found section of the classifieds. Good luck.

Sorry to hear about that. Hopefully you get your stuff back. It might not even hurt to put an add in the local paper. The more people that here about it the better your chance of getting it back.
I lost my gear last year. A very honest man put adds in the convienance stores where he found my gear. I was able to get it all back. You may try the same thing. Put lost adds in the windows at the stores and see it you get lucky.
My home owners insurance was going to cover my loss before I got it back. You may also try that. Good luck!!!
Thanks! I'll try the suggestions and see what I can come up with.
Don, did you have any luck getting your ice fishing tackle back?
I contacted the Sheriff's office in both Bear Lake and Franklin Counties and the Idaho State Highway Patrol. No one has heard anything as of yet. I've also talked to several pawn shop dealers.

Thanks for asking Kent.
Don, sorry to hear that you don't have good news to report. You didn't specify in your post whether that was a hand or a power auger that you lost?