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[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]Hit Mantua with BBW and icing_perch today. We rode sleds over to the east side and I got to tell you, the slush is pretty wicked. We left pretty big water trails behind us and covered our shelters with slush. Thank god for covers! [/size][/black][/font]
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[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]The fishing started out pretty good with icing_perch smackin' the heck out of them. He had a nice pile of good size perch and 'gill on the ice. We caught all 4 species today, perch, bluegill, bass and trout. The fishing tapered off towards the afternoon.[/size][/black][/font]
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[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]On the way back, we had an unfortunate event. BBW and icing_perch were riding on one sled and took of ahead of me. They were fighting they're way through the slush and didn't noticed all of icing_perch's gear being left behind in the watery slush trail. I stopped and picked up as much as I could find and brought it back to the ramp. Icing_perch asked where was his auger? I unhitched everything and took off back, following our trail. Sure enough, there was icing_perch's auger under 8" of water with his fishfinder laying out in the snow. Also I found the transducer farther back, with the wire pulled out. OUCH! Sorry icing_perch, that sucked.[/size][/black][/font]

[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3]The sleds are in the garage thawing out. Slush sucks![/size][/font]
So how did the sled handle the slush monster-o-mantua? Sounds like a pretty good fishin' day though.
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]The new sled had no problems in the slush. 2" paddles and 700cc works wonders.[/size][/black][/font]
Glad she performed well for you. I imagine all that power eats slush for lunch!
After hiking over and through the slush on the north end of Mantua last Saturday I'm glad I didnt show up today. Glad you guys got into a few fish but its to bad the day ended on a sour note, that sucks!
Btw, with that kind of hp. and those 2" paddles you dont really need ice to cross the ponds. Your new slogan could be,, "Have paddles, will skim!"