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Full Version: Strawberry 1-20-06
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I hit Strawberry yesterday with 4 friends from work.
We went over to the SC side. We parked at the turnoff to the dam. Luckly we had two snowmobiles to lead the way through the snow for the 4 wheelers. The snow on the ice was about 12".
The bite was pretty slow and very light. Between the 5 of us, we only put around 40 on the ice. The largest was caught by John, if you stretched it out, it was right at 22", it is still swimming. Kent went on a run where he was catching one after another for a time. Most of the fish were between 17 and 20"s.
The fish we did catch were on a variety of jigs. Most were tipped with Power bait, minnows or meal worms. Mike did catch a couple on whole minnows.
We went on SC side hoping for some rainbows, but none showed up.
The weather was great, the day started out very cold and warmed up quick.
The highlight of the day was getting to ride Kent's snowmobile.
That machine was very fast and extremely fun to ride.
At least you got out fishing! I'm surprised you didn't find any cooperative bows over on that side. They must be hiding somwhere...
Sounds like you had a alright day? I'm really surprised you didn't get into the bows?? Our far down the road can you drive?There not plowing that at all are they?
None of the road was plowed.
We followed the road down to the boat ramp and took to the ice there. The road was fine for the 4 wheelers as long as we stayed in the snowmobile tracks.
We didn't go very far down the bank. Maybe a mile or so. We went to a spot a couple of the guys with boats had done very well trolling during the summer. We actually wanted to go a little farther down the bank, but two guys beat us there. When we talked to them, they had caught a 23" and 25".
We were a little concerned about the ice closer to the dam. As some of the reports said the ice was somewhat thin down that way.
In the afternoon, we came back up the the spot where the bathroom is above the big rocks and fished there. Only one fish was caught, it was the biggest of the day. A couple of us had bites, but didn't hook up.
I would like to know how the ice is closer to the dam.