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Full Version: Drought Over??
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It is still a little early in the winter to make a solid prediction but it looks like Eastern Idaho’s 5-year drought may finally come to an end. [Smile]
All of the gages in Eastern Idaho are above average for both snow pack and total precipitation for the first time in years. Almost all of the reservoirs in Eastern Idaho are in better shape water wise than they have been for several years.
Eastern Idaho isn't officially out of the drought yet but conditions have significantly improved the over the last 8 months. From March 2001 to June 2005 almost all of Eastern Idaho had been in a D2, D3 or D4 drought. Most rivers are still running below normal but the forecasters are calling for normal to above normal stream flow for Eastern Idaho.[Smile]

Here's a few links that I thought some of you would find interesting. [#ff0000]The links should be fixed[/#ff0000]

Weekly drought conditions for the last 12 weeks

Nation wide drought conditions over last 5 years for the third week of January.

Short-term precipitation percentage

Current Snow pack for major basins across the state

Streamflow Forecasts