Islander / Fisherman's Landing, San Diego<br><A HREF="" target="_new"></A><br><br>This newly remodeled boat just moved back to San Diego for the summer season. On it's first long range trip for the year, it will be targeting Albacore, Bigeye, Yellowfin and Yellowtail.<br><br>Departs Sat 6/30 10:00pm <br>Returns Tue 7/3 6:00pm <br><br>Limited Load: 27 people. 8 spots left!<br><br>Price: $630 include all meals and accommodations in staterooms. Beer, Soft Drinks, Tackle, Rental Equipment, and Gratuities are not included in the price. Fees for Mexican Permits vary, and are not included in the price of the ticket.<br><br>If you want to go Tuna fishing, now is the time! Join me on this trip! I'd like to see some other BFTers on this trip! Call Fisherman's Landing 619-221-8500 for your reservation.<br><br>--<br>Jeff Jost<br>troutman = half trout / half man
Troutman<br><br>What kind of fishing techniques will you be using on board to target those fish while away on the three day trip?<br><br>Burnin Thumbs!<br><br>Steve - The MJB<br>BFT Lures/Baits<br><A HREF="" target="_new"></A>
Good question. I'll be calling the owner/captin today or Monday and call the landing to decide what I need to bring. Of course, I'll be bringing your jigs/lures with me. I hope I have enough fo them! I know we'll be trolling for albacore, and probably hitting Guadalupe Island for massive yellowtail. Not sure what else.<br><br>--<br>Jeff Jost<br>troutman = half trout / half man
No worries Jeff. <br><br>From what Thor was saying (below) it looks like there are some great Yellowtail around the #20 mark - upwards - and on light gear they are a great fish to hook up on. Here we call them "Kingies" or Yellow Tail Kings. <br><br>Imagine they might do "fishing the slide" on that trip too hey? <br><br>FYI, if there are some Yellowfin around get that 8 oz jig you bought, get down deep, and work the life out of it. Rub some bait slime down the tail first and then jig it in short, sharp motions off your rod tip. Let it fall back, wind in 6-7 times and then do the same again. Really make it dance up a storm. <br><br>The same applies when you anchor up at night either static or on a chute anchor. <br><br>With that full glow head, and stinger hook working, I have no doubt you will hit on some serious fish. <br><br>If interested, a few more jigging techniques for pelagics can be found here:<br><br><A HREF="" target="_new"></A><br><br>Have you, or others, heard if there are any swordfish around? <br><br>If so, then you could get "reeeel" busy. <br><br>Burnin Thumbs!<br><br>Steve - The MJB<br>BFT Lures/Baits<br><A HREF="" target="_new"></A>