I had to leave on a business trip to Denver today, and as usual we flew directly over the Gorge. If anyone is waiting for it to freeze this year, I think it is going to be a long wait. The entire lake is open and there is only snow on the higher surrounding peaks. It looks like summer up there. Of course I was at 25000 when we went over, but open water is open water. Get the boats out.
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]You know, I was really hoping the big waters would freeze this year. I truly enjoy ice fishing for macks. The beginning of the year showed so much potential when we had that arctic front move through during December. Dang warm spells! Ruint everything! Oh well, thanks for the report from a bird's eye view![/size][/black][/font]
Keep an eye on the board this weekend, I think you will be seeing a report either late Saturday or Sunday. From the reports I've read there is fishable(is that a word) ice from Buck board upstream.
OH YA well I just returned from a day of fishing swim that was the only place that didnt have ice. anvil ice, pipe line ice, sheepcreek ice and so I sat in swim all day and only nailed one fish all day the only bite I had all day one lousy little 30lber not a bad fish but a kick in the pant's after some of the resent trip's I have been having 10 fish +day's and some fish up too 38lbs but give it a week of this cold stuff and me and old coldfooter will be treading the hard deck.halojm I bet the lake looked like glass didnt it the entire lake LOL give me a report on your way home would ya, maybe we will get the ski's and tube's out lol thank's Fishley[sly]
i wondered about these conflicting reports- some saying open water, some saying that the ice is building! im glad its confirmed now. ill look forward to hitting the ice myself in a couple of weeks. thanks, ash. take care, bkidder
Ok, you talked me into it but your taking point..
If I can go Heck, I'll go first. I'm starting the planning process now. Problem is fish for squid or go to the Gorge, I'm on the fence since I can't enough time off to do both.
hey I aint on crutch's this yr so you bet ya give me 2'' and I will get us out there hopefully it aint as bad as last yr catch a couple and have to move becouse thay have pulled are ice hole under water LOL,all I need is my bar and some runin shoe's I will check it out tommorow after noon may try a life jaket I dont think Tiff will run out and save me if I go under.lol JUST BECOUSE I HAVE LET YA ALL KNOW THAT THE ICE IS FORMING DOESNT MEAN IT IS SAFE BY ALL MEAN'S SO DONT RUN UP AND TRY IT FOR A FEW DAY'S HATE TO DROWINED ENY BFT'ERS.LATER FISHLEY[

]IFG just get up hear with blm and we will put ya on the fish.....
I am a little surprised due to the fact that I was fishing the lake just 4 day's ago and it was open water all the way to squaw hollow and beyond we just didn't keep going so I can't tell you for a fact about Buckboard or not but the water Temp was still 37.6 degree's and we only saw bit's of ice here and there but not a HARD DECK by any mean's. I would like to fish the ice with you guy's so I am crossing my finger's that it freeze's and fast for that matter..we are running out of cold day's!! It must have been cold the last 4 day's to cause ice to move in like it did. thank's for the report Ashley without you we would all be lesser men except Coldfooter and I, We are 100% all MAN!!!!! Call me later
Jared Johnson/ Sockeyeslayer
IFG .. Maulin' Mac on the cap,, or slippin' in ink,,that is a tough call..
Ash.. I know I dont have to say this,, but,,, Be very carefully and use ALL precautions ol' buddy..
well did you guy's nock,em or what? water temp yesterday was 34.7 in swim and as far as you could make it up the lake was just under the pipe line water temp was about 32.5 there, the ice there is patchy but when ever it freezes down at the pipe buckboard and every thing else is usually real close so it's just a matter of time doing a little research I didnt even start ice fishing till about this time last yr itll freeze.hey old buddy don never fear whiskey is near it's what ale's ya and make's ya an exalent ice dancer,lol I think I will wear a life jacket just to be on the safe side but mark my word it's mac a do through the ice for use finally.jared glad too hear your 100%man finally the operation took hold lol no with out me you would be hunting down the pilot that showed halojm that the entire gorge was open thay had an open bar on that flight would suck for ya to run up and find that it frozze over night lol so put them boat's away again for a while later fishley oh we got about 3'' of snow last night and it is cold.
LMAO!,, funny how a little Crown can make some fellers 10 foot tall and FG proof huh? Yeah put the life vest on (first)...
BTW,, you be suire ta tell Tiff this was all your idea,, not mine! I dont want to see the flash of a skinning knife at the front door next time we stop in!! I personally dont think my hide would look worth a crap stretched out and tacked to the north facing wall of the pens, lol..
From the weekly fishing reports on the UDWR website:
"FLAMING GORGE RESERVOIR: (Jan. 25) As of today, safe ice (4" thickness or greater) extended approximately two miles south of the Confluence and in the back of northern bays. However, the reservoir recently iced over from there south to the Pipeline."