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Hello to all

I have been visiting this website now for over 4 months and decided it would be nice to become a part of it. The information you provide has been very helpful and I thank you.

I am planning to go to Rockport this weekend(even though it has been slow) and wondered what everyone has been using for lures and bait. the two previous times I have been up there I have been skunked.
Small white and small green jigs. 1/16 oz. You may also want to try tiny ice jigs. 1/32 oz to 1/80 oz. Tip them with a piece of meat, either a wax worm, meal worm, chunk of nite crawler or oerch meat if you can get one to get you started.

When you get on the ice, wander around for a few, chech out how others are doing. Ask any one with a mess of fish what they are doing. Do what they say.
Don't feel to bad about being skunked, it's happened to alot of fishers who have all the toys too.

Oh yeah, welcome and thanks for signing up.
Welcome. Dont get down about smelling skunky after fishing Rockport. It happens, trust me [Wink]
I was up there 1-24, we got skunked, not even one bite. I tried alot of jigs and lures and differant colors. wax worms and meal worms no luck. I've always fished in one area for the last 10 years and always get perch. drilled about 10 holes, talked to about 7 others, they also had no luck either. we tried, maribu jigs, rubber jigs, kastmaster, sweedish pimple, jigging rapala, crippled hearring, and few others I don't know the name. later chuck
Yep that seems to be the story, last year it was Rockperch Res. This year it's Skunkport. Just keep after them. If you have any kind of depth sounder get it rigged for the ice. It makes a world of difference. It allows you to know when a trout comes thru at 15' so you can reel up and try for it. There have been some nice trout taken this year.
I fished it the 20th with a friend, the pech were there all day, but didn't want to bite, my friend used a rubber jig and an ice fly, I used a drop shot, nutral boyancy set up with the sinker on the bottom and the line sort of slack with thread wraped hooks on short leaders, we both tiped with eyes, he got 6 and I got 10 and one trout, not really worth it considering how cold and miserable it was.
Welcome to the board!