[cool][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 4]When it comes to storing lures, spinners blades, plugs you name it some people just throw them in their tackle box. When it comes to flys this method just does not work too well. How do you stores your flys? Do you have a separate case for each category ie spinner, drys, wet, nymphs etc? Do you have a favorite type of case?[/size][/green][/font]
Actually I do throw my used flies in a box[

] I have an Orvis box that is treated with something to prevent rust.
But, I do have boxes for dries, micro's (with the threaders), one for nymphs, one for Wooly Buggers, one for soft hackles, one for flies tied out of rabbit or deer hair, one for Bass stuff, one for chronomids, one for unusual. Then I have four smaller ones that I load up with whatever specialty fies I need for were ever I am fishing for my chest pack. I tie and a lot of times for several people so these boxes are packed.
As far as favorite boxes, I like the ones with the little compartments the most, but I also like the ones that take cartridges. I REALLY like the Scientific Anglers System X, specially the folder they make for the cartridges
I finally cleaned up my fly boxes today (except I am still working on my micro dry box). Here they are, but the two big ones lower left are the only two that don't have inserts so there are more that I can't get picture of on the back of the inserts and the back cover:
[inline "2006-01-28 004.JPG"]
[font "Poor Richard"][green][size 4]Hi there flygoddess - your pictures didn't materialize. If you need some guidance please let me know.[/size][/green][/font]
Whoops! I hit the wrong button, That's again Dry Rod.
[font "Poor Richard"][green][size 4]Wow - there is enough flys there for you to open your own trading post. Did you tie all of them? I guess that poses another question as to how many flys the average fly fisher person has in their arsenal. [/size][/green][/font]
You bet I tie all my own. I tie for my hubby and his three brothers also. I am sure I am obsessed with much more than the AVERAGE fishing fanatic. I could be wrong though.
[font "Poor Richard"][green][size 4]Well if you find tying enjoyable then thats cool. It sure is more productive than watching soap operas. I have some family members that are dedicated to watching the soaps. Then they complain that they don't have time to get all their chores done. My brother spends hours every day watching the court room programs. He has been planning on setting up his work shop to take on some serious wood working projects. Yup - he's had no time. If I didn't have several other hobbies going I think that I might take on tying too. I've watched some of the tyers at the trade shows and they make it look so easy. But then again they just didn't start yesterday.[/size][/green][/font]
My collection is limited due to my out of control casting that I have only recently gotten under control. I keep the majority of my flies in a regular case (only one) stuck in the foam mounts. When I head out to fish I fill up my favorite case. It's a flip open case with many small compartments inside. Each is big enough to hold a few flies. This has a nice strap that attatches to my vest. My other gear, I keep it simple, everything fits in a nice tackle box (briefcase style), hooks, weights, lures, etc. This all fits nicely in an old backpack along with my ultralight rod, fly rod, reels, extra line, sun block, flashlight, first aid, extra baggies for caught fish, bait, and grocery bags I like to take along to gather up other idiot's discarded line and anything else I might need. It works great for hiking in the Sierra's to reach the nice spots [

Here is my pack with my cat in the background wondering what the hell I'm doing.
Discman, we just got to get you into exclusive fly fishing and you will be able to cut that down by 3/4[

] You could even get by with just a fanny pack with a landyard or a chest pack.
[font "Poor Richard"][green][size 4]You have got that right flygoddness. If fact Discman a good vest can hold just about everything you need on a wading trip or on a tubing outting. Do you do either?[/size][/green][/font]
I do have a vest that I wear while I'm fishing. I always take the bag and lay it on the bank while I'm fishing. I like to have the spinning rod with me so, if I want to sit and relax, I can still fish with just a line out in the water. I go fishing so rarely that I want to make the most of it, even while eating lunch[

]. And yes, you are both right, if I stuck to fly fishing exclusively everything would fit in my vest and I could leave the pack at home. There is also more than just my fishing gear in there though. I like to be prepared with whatever. So, like I said earlier, I pack sunscrean (even if it's cold out), a small first aid kit, a headlight/flashlight (sometimes I lose track of time), net, bug repellant, extra baggies, towels, lightweight poncho etc.
That makes me think of a question[unsure]. While out in the stream, how do you wear your net? I usually the strap over my head and under one arm. This seems a bit hard sometimes to get it ready when I need it. I have tried wearing it just over one shoulder but this gets in the way of casting. And just around the neck doesn't work at all. What's the secret? Or do I just need to get used to way I usually wear it?
Ther is several ways to wear a net. I have one of those magnetic net holders with a small caribeener on one end and a key ring loop on the other with a leash (looks like a telephone curly chord)connected to both ends. I attach the net to the key ring and the caribeener to the back of my vest or chest pack (however in my experiance it works better to put the loop around the middle of the net end itself instead of the end of the handle- easy to reach around and grab the handle).
I have one of those William Joseph bamboo nets now that have a belt hook built into the handle (part of the bamboo, just bent over) so now I clip it to my waders belt (caribeener and net) I bought a plastic "D" ring at a tent store and that is what I connect the caribeener to.