[cool][#0000ff]On another thread we got into a recipe discussion. I promised to post some more recipes that are good for Utah fishies, especially perch, bluegills, white bass and other (normally) abundant species. These are some of my favorites...both "heart healthy" and fat soaked.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Most of these recipes can be used with almost any fish, including trout. You can also "kick them up a notch" by adding shrimp, clams, oysters or even crawdads. In most of them I suggest that you add spices to taste. I like hot and spicy so some of my final dishes will cauterize wounds. Experiment until you get it the way you like it.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]This post should probably be somewhere else, so It will likely get moved after those who are interested have a chance to download the Word Doc files. None of these are copyrighted so feel free to share them or change them however you want.[/#0000ff]
[font "Times New Roman"][size 3]I know this is old school, but I like it and have been doing it lately with great results. A guy over at UTOF turned me on to it, there’s a few meat eaters over there! If you like kippered snacks you’ll love this, Bottled Fish. Use any fish you like, place in small ½ pint canning jars, add any flavorings you like. My favorites are a couple tsp of Caesar dressing; or fresh lemon slices with coarse black pepper; or olive oil and jalapeño; or oil, salt, pepper and imitation smoke flavor. Pressure cook for 75 minutes. Tastes better than any store canned fish ever thought of being! It’s preserved and shelf life is indefinite, but I eat em up within a couple of weeks anyway. Crackers, cheese and fish, oh tasty! Give it a try.[/size][/font]
[cool][#0000ff]I have always liked pickled/bottled fish. In California it was about the only way to fix the American shad so that you could eat them. Lots of bones.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]In my original Utah fishing book that is one of the ways I suggested being able to use small perch or bluegills. Pressure cooking them softens the bones and you can eat the whole thing.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Trout, whitefish and even suckers are great when bottled with the right seasonings.[/#0000ff]
Dem recipes sure get the ol mouth waterin! I wish the little perchies would cooperate. Maybe I need to find me some smallies to eat
I remember those tasty recipes. Yummy. Is there anyway you could add some of them to the recipe board?? There should be plenty of different species heading for the species specific recipes. There is also a thread for "General Fish Recipes" just for those non species specific ones.[cool]
Hey...Tubedude...whats a matta you? You forgot the carp recipes.
We have an ample supply of bugle burgers in Utah Lake...that you could experiment with some of your picking recipes...
Just think if we had a carp cooking contest...at the next BFT get together...on who could make the best tasting carp recipes.
I heard over on the DWR board....(OMG am I going to get banned for mentioning that????) they're talking about a "Friends of Utah Lake" committee...to get rid of the carp....burgers. Does this mean no more Mcfishburgers???? Be still my heart.
Anyhoo....I think...you should invest a little time in creating a couple of carp recipes...
It could benefit Utah Lake. Just think...people would start eating carp instead of slimers.
[cool][#0000ff]Carpkind get no respect. Just because they are ugly, scaly, wierd and nasty they get abused and laughed at. Doesn't matter that in most of the world they are highly prized both as game fish and food fish.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Like many other BFTers I have talked to, I have eaten carp prepared in several "traditional" recipes...usually from "the old country". Okay and edible, but not better than walleye, perch, catfish or even trout. I have experimented with a few different ways of cooking it myself. Same thing. Okay but not good enough to replace my favorites.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]It is VERY GOOD smoked. I once served a batch of freshly smoked carp to some buddies who raided my stash of smoked salmon whenever they came over to watch football. They raved about it. Said it was the best salmon I had ever smoked.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]CARP STEW: Make a big pot of veggie stew, with onions, potatoes, carrots, celery and the appropriate seasonings. Add a whole carp and a brick. Boil the bejabbers out of it for a day or so and then dump everything out and eat the brick.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]PLANKED CARP: Build a big old fire, using aromatic woods like apple, aspen, hickory or mesquite. Keep it going until you get a good bed of hot coals. Nail a carp to a plank and prop the plank over the coals. When the carp is done enough to fall off the plank into the coals, eat the plank.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Hey BR, we both know that there are a lot of folks in our country that eat a lot of "buglemouth bass" without realizing it. But, I don't think you are going to create a "carp rush" on Utah Lake by spreading rumors about how good they are. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Maybe we could go another direction. Maybe we could get President Bush to announce in his speech tonight that he has been given "undeniable" evidence that Utah Lake carp are just the larvae of Al Queda terrorists, and that we should all make an effort to get rid of them before they pupate into their adult stage.[/#0000ff]
More great fish recipes, thanks Pat. I've noticed one thing a lot of them have in common, garlic. I've started using it to cook fish lately and it sure adds a good flavor to the meat.
[cool][#0000ff]I have always liked garlic, in many types of dishes, but it definitely goes into most of my fish recipes.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Other "gottahaves" in my kitchen are black pepper, cayenne pepper, salt, lemon juice and butter. I also keep some of the combos too, like garlic salt, lemon pepper and a blend of spices I make myself. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]My "Super Spice" mix contains 3 parts black pepper, 1 part cayenne pepper, 1 part garlic powder, 1 part Mexican oregano, 1 part cumin. Great stuff on all meats, in soups and as a "kicker-upper" on pizza.[/#0000ff]
It's no coincidence that the spelling of carp is so close to crap. I'm just amazed crappies taste good.
[cool]Nice recipes, TD, and I'm especially greatful to finally learn your awesome "super spice" mixture! When I get into my house later this year, I'm going to mix up a bunch of that stuff!!
[cool][#0000ff]Just remind me next time you are over, to fix your sonar, and I'll hand some off. I make it up in large quantities. Snort a couple lines of that stuff in the morning and it will set you free. [/#0000ff]
[cool]I dunno about snorting a couple of lines of that stuff, man. Might make me run for the toilet or something and give myself a swirly just to cool off the nostrils!
[cool][#0000ff]Not a good visual, Geoff. Sounds kinda kinky too. This is not that kinda board.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff][size 1]Lemon pepper is another favorites of mine but my wife draws the line at cayenne pepper. Maybe I'll try to sneak a little in to see if she notices.[/size][/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]My "Super Spice" mix contains 3 parts black pepper, 1 part cayenne pepper, 1 part garlic powder, 1 part Mexican oregano, 1 part cumin. Great stuff on all meats, in soups and as a "kicker-upper" on pizza.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]BAM!!!![/#0000ff] [/reply]
Hey that stuff is good on just about anything,, even fried ice cream, lol!! Maybe thats an acquired taste tho' because I think the best dripping sauce for meats and fish is catsup... Then again, I believe Catsup goes well on anything too, LMAO!!
Thanks for the recipes TubeDude! I just fried a bunch of perch the other day, and I thought they were a bit bland. I've needed a few good recipes to try out.