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I am thinking about spending tomorrow night on the ice at PaliSades. Is there a reason why people go to big Elk Creek instead of Indian Creek. Can I get my ice-house on the water at big elk creek. Do I fish the bay side of the road or the big water side of the road. Is there sufficient parking? Can you access the East side of the res. Without a Snowmobile? Thanks for any information that you might have.

IMO the main reason that people fish Big Elk Creek is that it is easy access and the ice is normally better there than other parts of the reservoir. I could be wrong but I don't think you will be able to drive a vehicle very far down the old highway at Indian Creek. With how low the reservoir is I think you will have to do a more walking to reach the reservoir if you park at Indian Creek. I would be careful walking across PaliSades because the ice can be thin in spots exspecially when you get farther from shore.
Ovid Creek or others might be able to give you a better explanation and more info about ice conditions.