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Full Version: Gorge Report 02/09-02/10 on soft water
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Good news my fellow soft water lovers, the whole world isn't frozen. A friend and I took my boat to Flaming Gorge to try for the wily mackinaw. We found open water a plenty near the dam and proceeded to troll. We boated 4 on Thursday, the biggest around 20 lbs, the smallest 9. We also tried jigging but were unsuccessful using that technique, as the fish were widely scattered. Slowly trolling bottom, in the mud, with a fat red-side did the trick. It is notable that we caught all our fish in the late morning and early afternoon, which is usually not the case (in my experience). Lynnwood and surrounding areas had about an inch of ice on thursday until the wind came up in the evening, all the ice was gone today. It is open water from the Horseshoe to the Pipeline. We caught another 20-lber this morning off Antelope in the snow and breeze before we had to go. What a difference a day makes - air temp on Thursday was about 47 - only 16 today. Take a look at the pics and dream of the day when all the ice is gone (unless you like the ice, if so, enjoy it while it lasts[Wink]).
nice report and nice pictures.
thanks for sharing
Those are some nice fish. Even though there was open water, it sure looks chilly! Thanks for the report.
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 2]Very Nice! It sure is good to hear a boat report this time of the year. [/font][/size]
Nice catch !

Nice to see them big fish photos again.
[font "Arial Black"][red][size 3] Hey piscipursuit, Those are some very nice macks I have to say. Thank you for sharing your pictures with us and for posting such a great report. Sure makes me want to get my boat out of storage. Nice fish guys.[/size][/red][/font]
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[font "Arial Black"][#ff0000][size 3]AFDan52[/size][/#ff0000][/font]
20lbs did ya not get a pic of him those are 12-16lb's LOL[Wink] nice job pisc just got too rib ya a bit seeing as I had to work alll week but I just got of night's and am head to the lake for a few day's give ya a report when I return going too see just what is really up with this ice up north first off then we will try the boat just talked too a buddy 15min ago and sheepcreek has a skim of ice about an inch so maybe I can hit a few honey hole's through the ice up north ya now the secret spot's lol oh ya the temp is -3 so maybe we will not have water on the ice I can handel that as long as the ice aint honey combed great job and nice fishey's dang I got too go the mac's are missing me lol[cool]

I am a rookie and trying my best to learn.

what is a fat red side?

Sheesh, I guess with some guys I have to take a picture of the scale as well as the fish! [Wink] Kidding you Ash, I hope you got out and slayed them today. I hit Jordanelle - see my other post.
Red-Side Shiner - a type of minnow, you can get them at Sportsman's and most other places that sell minnows.