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Full Version: Fish Lake 2/11
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Took a first timer with us and had good luck fishing the south end in 15-22 ft. of water...from about 8:30am - 2pm. The first timer struggled a bit, but still managed to ice over 10. Between 3 of us we iced over 100. Mostly small stuff but few decent sized splake and lots of avg. sized bows. Was a great sunny day. Forgot to put on sunscreen so we have some red faces. [blush] It was only breezy a few times off and on. Great day.
Sounds like my day except for the catching part.Man you kinda forget that sun will burn you even in winter!Thats great that your friend caught some fish in his first time out in the ice.We were going to head over there today but kids wanted to go to grandmas and thats north so of to scofield we went.