02-12-2006, 05:20 AM
Hey there guys,
Rode the 3/4 day Premier out of Pierpoint today. Danny ran the boat today and a new guy (sorry about not remembering your name) was doing deck duties. We had around 20 anglers go for the calicos and sandbass. Having both live squid and a big cooler full of fresh dead squid so …… what more could you ask for in the bait department. Worked our way up along the Palo Verde coastline, in the vicinity of Rocky Point a bit, and ended up closer to home on Horseshoe Kelp after a few stops on the way back.
Short Report: Around 15 anglers bagged a number of calicos (14), some nice sandbass(12), a halibut, and a few perch (7). Average number of fish per angler wasn't spectacular but lots of action including…….. a hand-full of big treefish, tons of quality size sculpin, a number of short lingcod, my big ol’ sheephead (also out of season), a short WSB, and 30 or 40 pound black sea bass (protected).
Usual Report: Again …..fishing this week was in beautiful weather. The water, both in temps, quality, and strength of current varied wildly area by area but Danny burned a heck of a lot of fuel, and put much extra effort in working spots, metering fish, setting up chum lines, and fine tuning the set of the boat. Lots of fish metered …. but bites were not easy to come by….nearing the full moon? ha ha
I didn’t fish the plastic as soaking the live squid was just too tempting. Went with my usual 3/4 ounce, dull gray leadhead, and whole smallish squid on an 18 inch length of flurocarbon. I got all my bites on both live and fresh dead. Lots of guys using green or yellow leadheads. If I had to choose a hot color today ….. it would be the green.
Fished various depths from 60 to 110 feet in structure that ranged from lots of jagged rocks (hangup) to flat hard bottom. Must have gotten hung up 10 times without losing a single leadhead. I don’t mind losing a leadhead but what bugs me is ….. the leader is usually cut in half which makes it useless and I have to waste time going to get another pre-tied setup.
As before, I tried to be especially careful to hug the bottom and try to fish the bottom structure/contour within 12 to 18 inches of the bottom. If nothing else, there’s plenty of action on some nice sized sculpin. I didn’t see a single person catching bass in the mid-depths. Our little perch friends were all hugging the bottom too. Pesky 6-7 inch mackerel came out to play at the shoe later in the afternoon.
Current was strong early on and just got stronger as the day progressed although the swell wasn't bad.
Aside: I think I discovered a little trick in getting my leadhead back off of structure without breaking off. Once I knew it wasn’t a big ling, goat, or bass…… I kept about a foot of slack in the line in my hand and tried to sling-shot (hold the taught then quickly release it, give slack, and drop the rod tip) the leadhead to get it to spring away from where it was hung. Then if I didn’t get loose, I just continue to jiggle the 3-4 inches of slack not hardly putting any pressure when the rod takes up the slack. I believe that the leadhead point enlarged the worn-away area around where the hook point was embedded and simply dropped out of the hole in within a minute or minute and a half. Sharpened the hook with my handy-dandy hook hone…… Owner wide-gap hook almost good as new. I believe just pulling hard and maintaining big-time pressure with the rod makes things worse. IONASHO! Ha ha
Another aside: Things went smoothly on parking. With my annual beach parking pass, I simply parked in my usual spot and did my usual 1-2 minute walk to the office thing.
As always...... Premire is a great fishing platform with a great crew. Our club members, including our wheelchair member were able to take home some fish. For the second week in a row, a club member and a regular had to split the jackpot as their fish were dead-on even!
Rode the 3/4 day Premier out of Pierpoint today. Danny ran the boat today and a new guy (sorry about not remembering your name) was doing deck duties. We had around 20 anglers go for the calicos and sandbass. Having both live squid and a big cooler full of fresh dead squid so …… what more could you ask for in the bait department. Worked our way up along the Palo Verde coastline, in the vicinity of Rocky Point a bit, and ended up closer to home on Horseshoe Kelp after a few stops on the way back.
Short Report: Around 15 anglers bagged a number of calicos (14), some nice sandbass(12), a halibut, and a few perch (7). Average number of fish per angler wasn't spectacular but lots of action including…….. a hand-full of big treefish, tons of quality size sculpin, a number of short lingcod, my big ol’ sheephead (also out of season), a short WSB, and 30 or 40 pound black sea bass (protected).
Usual Report: Again …..fishing this week was in beautiful weather. The water, both in temps, quality, and strength of current varied wildly area by area but Danny burned a heck of a lot of fuel, and put much extra effort in working spots, metering fish, setting up chum lines, and fine tuning the set of the boat. Lots of fish metered …. but bites were not easy to come by….nearing the full moon? ha ha
I didn’t fish the plastic as soaking the live squid was just too tempting. Went with my usual 3/4 ounce, dull gray leadhead, and whole smallish squid on an 18 inch length of flurocarbon. I got all my bites on both live and fresh dead. Lots of guys using green or yellow leadheads. If I had to choose a hot color today ….. it would be the green.
Fished various depths from 60 to 110 feet in structure that ranged from lots of jagged rocks (hangup) to flat hard bottom. Must have gotten hung up 10 times without losing a single leadhead. I don’t mind losing a leadhead but what bugs me is ….. the leader is usually cut in half which makes it useless and I have to waste time going to get another pre-tied setup.
As before, I tried to be especially careful to hug the bottom and try to fish the bottom structure/contour within 12 to 18 inches of the bottom. If nothing else, there’s plenty of action on some nice sized sculpin. I didn’t see a single person catching bass in the mid-depths. Our little perch friends were all hugging the bottom too. Pesky 6-7 inch mackerel came out to play at the shoe later in the afternoon.
Current was strong early on and just got stronger as the day progressed although the swell wasn't bad.
Aside: I think I discovered a little trick in getting my leadhead back off of structure without breaking off. Once I knew it wasn’t a big ling, goat, or bass…… I kept about a foot of slack in the line in my hand and tried to sling-shot (hold the taught then quickly release it, give slack, and drop the rod tip) the leadhead to get it to spring away from where it was hung. Then if I didn’t get loose, I just continue to jiggle the 3-4 inches of slack not hardly putting any pressure when the rod takes up the slack. I believe that the leadhead point enlarged the worn-away area around where the hook point was embedded and simply dropped out of the hole in within a minute or minute and a half. Sharpened the hook with my handy-dandy hook hone…… Owner wide-gap hook almost good as new. I believe just pulling hard and maintaining big-time pressure with the rod makes things worse. IONASHO! Ha ha
Another aside: Things went smoothly on parking. With my annual beach parking pass, I simply parked in my usual spot and did my usual 1-2 minute walk to the office thing.
As always...... Premire is a great fishing platform with a great crew. Our club members, including our wheelchair member were able to take home some fish. For the second week in a row, a club member and a regular had to split the jackpot as their fish were dead-on even!