[pirate]Any one in NY having any luck ice fishing now that the cold weather has returned? I got out Friday of last week on Crooked Lake in Rensselaer County. I had very little success and marked very few fish, did manage to catch a couple late in the afternoon.
It looks like Lake George is going to set up so maybe they can get the ice tournament in on the 26th of Feb. Chief
I got out on Wed.of this week and had a little success. Landed 3 pickerel from 12" to 21"s and one perch. They came from Crooked lake in Rensselaer Co. I'm going to try some jigging on Burden Lake tomarrow morning before the storm comes thru. Chief
I got out the same day as you, I got chilly, didnt put on my winter cloths, the sun was shining and I stayed longer than I was planning, not because the fish was biting but because I was cooped up all winter...
no fish tails to tell, just a couple good baits.
Hi Dave, Are you back up and running again?
I got out yesterday to Lake George [ we call it the King] and it stood up to it name. I limited out for NY it's 50 perch per day. I didn't get any pictures of my haul because I was with a guy who always seems to just get my feet. The way things were going this year I thought I had lost my touch yesterday gave me more confidence again.
I went because there were alot of thing going for the day. First it was the 3rd day of the same weather patern. 2nd we had a weather change for today and 3rd the vektar scale showed two excellent feeding time for the day. The feeding times were right on the money.
I also knew I had luck going for me. In the morning when I picked up the guy I was going with, I got out of the jeep[I usually drive my truck but I had my ladies jeep to save on miles and gas] to put his gear in the back the gate was locked, so I went back to the drivers door and hit the switch to unlock but because I don't drive it all the time I tripped it the wrong way and locked the whole thing up. So we're stuck but only temporarly we are both lock smiths so we were on our way in about 3 minutes. That was the first time I ever made that mistake. That was the bad luck, the good luck started on the drive up to the lake. As I was passing a large truck, he blew his motor, I had just been in back of him. I would have gotten covered with oil and who knows what other engine part came out the back of his truck to run over. I told the guy I was with we have the luck with today. I should have bought some lottery tickets last night.
It was a great day. Chief
[cool][cool]I managed another day out on the ice on Wed. the 8th of march 06. Fished Lake George northwest bay. It was a great day to be on the ice 40 degs. with no wind. The fishing wasn't bad either and the morning was the best time. I iced 32 keeper perch this day. There was about 8 inches of ice but the weather here is getting warm so it won't last long. Chief
![[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=14745;]](http://www.bigfishtackle.com/cgi-bin/gforum/gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=14745;)
still down, visitin from a libaray....
up hopefuly on patties day,
my season ended a couple weeks back. I was able to get out two days, caught two perch, just big enough to make half of a fish samwich.
before that it was back in mid december that we had ice enough to walk on. between no ice...
rough winter on my end, cabin feaver running high....
[cool]I did manage 8 trips out. I'll tellyou I caught quite a few bass thru the ice this year. I didn't get any pic of Bass because I don't let them stay out in the cold air very long. The biggest was a 4 lb.er large mouth.A lot of fun on the light tackle. Chief
ya they are, I am always impressed when I see a 14-15 inch bass come out of a hole on 2-4 pound test line with the razor sharp ice edges and all the foilage they could rap around before running.