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[cool]Hi all. new to this site. Read thur some posts. Wow. You guys are a wealth of info. Look forward to meeting and fishing with you guys some time. Wish i could make dinner on ice but gotta work. If anybody go's fishing and needs a buddy to go along (hint hint) drop me a line at Hope to "hook up" and maybe meet some new fish freaks. LOL
Welcome Aquaman. I think I know you, if so send me a private message.
I see that you are not able to attend the Dinner On Ice event that is coming up real soon on 1 Feb, 2003. There is also another Get together planned for the biginning of April down in Port Aransas, Texas. You and all other members are welcome to attend. You can find the info posted on the Texas board.
Will be watching for your future posts. Enjoy your stay at the BFT boards and come back often.
[size 3]Cheers aquaman![/size]

[size 3]I’m new here also and have been nothing but impressed. It doesn’t take much arm-twisting to get me out on the water. I usually work 7 days on, 7 off so it’s all or nothing. What do you like the bestest, spin, troll, fly, ice, dynamite? I dabble in a little of all. (Well, Excepting dynamite.) Let’s go play![/size]

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Welcome to the fast growing BFT Boards Aqua. Don't feel shy about asking any questions here. People are more than willing to answer questions and give you tips to make your next fishing trip more than an average day, just make sure you share you trip with the rest of us[Wink].

Again welcome and I look forward to your future posts.

If you ever need info you've come to the place. I'm new here too. Everybody is helpfull with fishing info and we try to share. I'll only hang out until April and won't be back until October but if you need Ice Fishing Info you are on the right place. O.K. so I fish the high mountains too, but, don't tell anyone. If you want to ice fish here is the secret. Hyrum, BIG perch, from the boat launch, straight across the lake, biggest tree on the horizon, 150 ft from the bank. Echo, big trout but don't expect many. I thought I knew where they were but they moved. Rockport. nice combo of Trout and big Perch. Second turnoff, hike down, find the big rock legde to your right, (east I think), 42 ft of water. Huntington, I'll tell but you have to promise to let them go. Good Luck!

Welcome! This really is a great site where everyone is very helpful and willing to share information. I fish alone a lot(not by choice) so I might drop you an email sometime. Fishing with another person is usually more enjoyable. You get to see twice as many fish caught!! Great to have you here and look forward to your posts.

Thanks everyone for the welcome. To answer a few questions from above. To kentofnsl Dont think we ever met allways looking to meet new fishing buddies maybe some day? As Far as fishing i enjoy it all though i only started fly fishing late last year and have no idea what im doing. Thanks icegod for the helpful hints.Guess i better get out and get a auger. Unfortunatly i to fish alone alot im new to utah and dont have any fishing buddies Again thanks for the welcome

hey a-man , how's it going , i'm from the michigan board and just wanted to say welcome , these guys here rock ! no matter what question i had they found an answer . as the fly fishing goes , i'm a self tought don't know it all - yet ! but these guys do , and they have helped me out a bunch . well don't spend too much time in front of the screen , i want to see you posting some fish here soon !