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IT IS A 47' TO 49' CHAMPION 2 stroke. last summers end I had to hold down the choke to make it run otherwise it sputtered out. I did change the oil in the foot and stuff, I am unsure how to change the gas feed thingy and what to do to make it idle smoothe. please help. thanks in advance.
I have an old(49-50) Hiawatha 5.0hp 2stroke that ran decent last year but i broke the pull starter rope and it leaks gas badly, does anybody work on these older motors? If you do p.m. me and i will hook up with you and discuss prices. Thanks
PM danzilla, he claims to be pretty handy with old outboards. I would imagine parts would be a concern for motors of that age though.
Go to Walmart and get some carb spray and soak down the carb from the outside, and maybe (carefully) take the float bowl off and fill it up with carbcleaner or startingfluid (you could add a few drops of oil to it if you are worried about "running it without oil"), then put it back on and run it for a minute (this will desolve any gum in the jets).
Dan told me sometimes what he will do is just put them in a barrel of water and run them for about 6hrs till the carbon gets burned out (I would imagine you could put some Z-Max or Prolong in the gas to help break down the carbon).
That old kicker still working for you? Glad to hear it! If I had kept it, it would still be gathering dust in the shed! I just upgraded boats again last fall and now have a 19' with an I/O 305 V8. A few steps up from the tin boats I started with just a handful of years ago.

Hey, but anything that gets you out on the water and back again is a good boat in my book. Smile
Addicted, I still have the motor AND the boat!!! They have served me well in the last couple years, I am between living places now so the inlaws wont let me keep the craft there, I fear its in a garage in SLC now at my dads warehouse stored up in good company with an 58 caddy and a 63 corvair. The motor however is in a prime spot to be tuned up as soon as I get a chance. It ran great till I tried to make it "hum" on the water, ended up holding the choke down to get back to Chicken creek at the berry from the middle channel....I was forced out of the bay by all the tubes that I didnt want to disturb specially the one with my father inlaw in it. Then he wanted a ride in the "water hole" so I putted him out. My wife has not let me man it with a child yet, maybe this year. oldest is 7 now. shes a good swimmer, that was my wifes excuse last year......I think shes just scared of me fishing with HER baby. lol. anyway thats enough rambling.