KJFN ... with the new Utah license being good for an entire year, I've been waiting 'til the last minute to buy mine. Maybe you would like to get together and fish Porcupine. That would entice me to buy the Utah out of state license. There is lots of good fishing in the North end of Cache Valley ... 30 to 40 miles from you .... that you are missing out on. I think you would find it worth your time to spend the money for such close fishing.
I'm going to try Oneida again for the 'eyes at ice out. Anyone care to make a guess as to an approximate date they will start the pre-spawn feed?
JoyRide, I would be willing to wet a line with you at Porcupine or elsewhere anytime. It seems time and $ or both an issue with me right now. I have not yet bought my Utah license and haven't been fishing since about the middle of Nov. I hope to be changing both of those real soon! I may try to hit Bear Lake while it still has ice. Spring is a good time on the Pig (Porcupine) as some know it, so lets do it. In the meantime I'll will see about carving out some cash for an Idaho license. Did you ever get to Montpelier Res. and try for any Koke's? As far as the walleye and Oneida, my guess would me early April!
Sounds like a plan KJ.
I've been to Montpelier a couple times lately. It's been good for the trout (14 to 15 in) but I've still yet to get into the kokes.
Like KJFN said, early April should be a good time. I wouldn't be surprised if the walleye start to become more active in March. The walleye at Oneida are something I would like to spend a little more time trying to figure out. I might give it a try sometime around mid March. As you probably already know I make more fishing plans than I have time for so who knows if I'll actually get around to it.
Being old and fat, I do a lot more talking about fishing than actually doing it. Most of my trips are spur of the moment trips when the air temp is at least 60 and the sun is out and never before 10 am. I am a fair weather fisherman to say the least!