02-19-2006, 07:03 AM
So I bought a new reel, and I'm trying it out tomorrow. I ended up getting an Okuma Magnitude Large Arbor. I like the design and the feel of the powder finish. Plus the disc drag system seems to work nice. The guy at the shop wasn't any help and didn't know much about it. But it sure is light, that magnesium is some nice stuff. It should balance nice with my Redingtonrod. Any word on reviews of this reel? it was on sale for $70, so I jumped on it and the guy at Sports authority said they have a 30 day, no questions asked policy (no questions until I return it broken right?[img]../../images/gforum/
.gif[/img]) I'll let you all know how it performs tomorrow.
The other news, I convinced my wife to try out fly fishing. We went out to the park the other day and I showed her how to cast and such. She picked it up super fast, she's smart like that. Then last weekend we went out to the San Joaquin river near here and got the line wet. She did alright, didn't catch anything but niether did I. I was showing her how to nymph with an indicator. At first the indidcator was set to high and she kept getting hung up on the bottom. At one point she got snagged and I thought she hooked one. I got really excited for her, for a second, and started yelling excitedly "LIFT THE ROD TIP, SET THE HOOK!!!" But alas, just a rock on the bottom.
I'm pretty excited about tomorrow. We are heading out on the King's River. They started this new "trophy trout" program that's kind of experimental at this point. Apparently they had held over about 3,000 planter 'bows until they were in the 4# to 8# class and are now in the process of releasing them into the river (this is in addition to the how ever many thousands of planter size they normally release). I have heard great things so far. In the area where they released them it's mostly ff only with barbless hooks, and catch and release of course. I think they are wanting to see if they can get a natural breeding program started. And the best thing, it's less than an hour's drive from my house. SWEEEEEEEEEET!!!!! Hopefully I'll have pics to post tomorrow night.
Wish me luck.

The other news, I convinced my wife to try out fly fishing. We went out to the park the other day and I showed her how to cast and such. She picked it up super fast, she's smart like that. Then last weekend we went out to the San Joaquin river near here and got the line wet. She did alright, didn't catch anything but niether did I. I was showing her how to nymph with an indicator. At first the indidcator was set to high and she kept getting hung up on the bottom. At one point she got snagged and I thought she hooked one. I got really excited for her, for a second, and started yelling excitedly "LIFT THE ROD TIP, SET THE HOOK!!!" But alas, just a rock on the bottom.
I'm pretty excited about tomorrow. We are heading out on the King's River. They started this new "trophy trout" program that's kind of experimental at this point. Apparently they had held over about 3,000 planter 'bows until they were in the 4# to 8# class and are now in the process of releasing them into the river (this is in addition to the how ever many thousands of planter size they normally release). I have heard great things so far. In the area where they released them it's mostly ff only with barbless hooks, and catch and release of course. I think they are wanting to see if they can get a natural breeding program started. And the best thing, it's less than an hour's drive from my house. SWEEEEEEEEEET!!!!! Hopefully I'll have pics to post tomorrow night.
Wish me luck.