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Full Version: Lookin' for a ramp report
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I got a new toy and cant wait to try it. Are there any open ramps? I tried to convince the wife that Powell was the place to go, she put the smack down[pirate] so I was thinking Willard this weekend or the pond. Last report on Willard I saw some crazy fool was breaking through the ice in a tube [Tongue]. Still frozen?
Well yuba still has open water by the state park you can try there for some big rainbows.
HA! Were playing post tag!
Got to get back to the top, I need to know if you can launch a boat at willard.
Drove by this a.m., and -- at 80 mph from the freeway -- it looked like there was quite a bit of ice in the north marina.
Drove by Willard Friday afternoon, North marina was completely froze. Drove by again on Monday afternoon. I could not see any open water at all. It looked as if the whole lake was froze. Once again this was a 75 mph drive-by.
I drove down to the Saratoga Springs ramp on Utah Lake Friday afternoon. There was ice around the launch but the rest of the marina was clear. Looked okay but chilly with a north wind. One guy was fishing off the break water.
that would have been me, no bites no nothing except very cold, the break water is under water what is it going to be like during the run off.
I looked a bit nippy out there otherwise I porbably would have come out and chatted a bit. The city of Saratoga Springs is planning on increasing the height of the breakwater, I guess they need to get on that pretty soon.
Bummer about Willard, I guess I'll be going to Utah Lake Sunday.